Sophie Dupré - Travel and Exploration

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MITCHELL (Edgar Dean, 1930-2016, NASA Astronaut on Apollo 14) and Vladimir AKSYONOV (born 1935, Cosmonaut)

Photograph signed on the verso by the two astronauts showing them standing on either side of Boris TAMM (1922-2000, Soviet Soldier and Vice-Rector of Tallin University of Technology), 7¾" x 6", Tallin, 10th September

Item Date:  1987
Stock No:  40667      £275

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MOFFAT (Robert, 1795-1883, Missionary-Explorer in Bechuanaland, Father-in-Law of Livingstone)

Exceptional Autograph Letter Signed to Mrs Passan, saying that he has heard “from our mutual & very dear friend Mrs Wills I understand that you are continuing to suffer so much as to be almost continually confined to bed. Deeply do I sympathise with you in your severe affliction, & who that knows you would not desire to have a part were it in their power... but the hand divine can impart relief in your deep affliction. No voice but His who calmed the Galilean Sea can breath into your spirit the peace that the world cannot give. Bu I am only repeating what you now know better than even I can. You have long been in the divine crucible & have had experiences far beyond my power to describe. I can only give expression of my deep feeling for you. I can also remember you at the throne of our Heavenly Father, that our Adorable Redeemer may smooth your path & lay under you the everlasting arms of His mercy, & continue to brighten your prospects, that when you have suffered His will here you have an abundant entrance administered to you into those mansions of bliss when the inhabitants will no more say ‘I am sick’...” he then continues that “After the new edition of the Sechuana Bible was finished I took about a six months tour of the North of England and Scotland engaged in advocating the Missionary cause wherever I came. Consignments of the scriptures have been sent out to most of the Bechuana mission stations where they are eagerly looked for. I feel the bad weather much. The wet, cold & gloom does not agree well with a constitution accustomed to a... warm... climate for more than half a century...”, 4 sides 8vo., on mourning paper, 7 Bedford Cottages, Barrington Road, 5th June lacking a small part of the top edge of the first page with the loss of a few words, professionally repaired

Item Date:  1873
Stock No:  40621      £675

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NARES (Sir George Strong, 1831-1915, Admiral & Arctic Explorer)

Autograph Letter Signed to Lady Rawlinson saying that he is "going to walk into the dockyard with my two boys in about 20 minutes & if your boys care to accompany us I shall be glad of their company ...", 1 side 8vo., H.M.S. Challenger headed paper, no date but annotated in another hand as April

Item Date:  1875
Stock No:  41075      £375

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PARRY (Sir William E., 1790-1855, Admiral, Arctic Explorer)

Fine Autograph Letter Signed to an unnamed correspondent saying that he has a “dinner engagement every day till the 13th, I wrote to Captain Lyon to ask if he could accept your very kind invitation on that day... I now enclose his reply, and can only say that on any day after the 20th (except the 28th) I shall be most happy to wait upon you, Lyon in Coy...” 1 side 8vo., Admiralty, no date

Item Date:  0
Stock No:  41908      £275

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PARRY (Sir William E., 1790-1855, Admiral, Arctic Explorer)

Autograph address panel addressed to 'John Taylor Esq', "No 12 Bedford Row", with his black wax seal, 5" x 5", no place, no date, together with a contemporary engraving A fine pair for framing.

Item Date:  0
Stock No:  39676      £125

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