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LAWRENCE (Sir Thomas, 1769-1830, Portrait Painter, President of the Royal Academy)

Autograph Letter Signed to 'My Lord' Holland saying that he will be "happy to receive Lady Holland and your Lordship at Four O'clock tomorrow at Buckingham House, the only approach to which is now from the Pimlico Gate, down Grosvenor Place ..." explaining that he is about to leave town and so cannot accept an invitation because of "pressing business and fix'd engagements ... My 'good Works' must be still postponed and the 'Profession of Faith' remain with your Lordship ...", 3 sides 8vo., Russell Square, Sunday noon, no date,

Item Date:  0
Stock No:  22574      £125

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LEADER (Benjamin Williams, 1831-1923, Painter, R.A.)

Autograph Letter Signed to Miss L. Hopkins, regretting that he is “unable to help your exhibition, I have not even a small picture to dispose of or that I could lend to you for exhibition. All my Thames pictures I parted with years ago...”, 1 sides 8vo., The Lodge, Whittington, Worcester, 2nd July

Item Date:  1884
Stock No:  42203      £475

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LEAR (Edward, 1812-1888, Nonsense Writer & Artist)

Autograph Letter Signed to Andrew Courage introducing “the Honbe Mrs Adamson-Parker, of whom I have already written to you. I shall feel obliged if you can help her at all during her stay in Corfu, with regard to excursions - & I hope she will be able to visit... & other places...”, 2 sides sm. 8vo., Hotel Georgette, Recoaro, Veneto, 13th July

Item Date:  1884
Stock No:  42186      £1500

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LEAR (Edward, 1812-1888, Nonsense Writer & Artist)

Autograph Letter Signed with a unusually large signature to “My dear Wilkins,” thanking him for “the cheque for your Copy. I am pretty sure you will like it (Ask Arthur about the ree moonerative part of the volume) yours affectionately...”, 1 side 8vo., headed “All Letters to Mr Lear to be addressed thus - Edward Lear, Esq., care of Mr R. J. Bush, 32 Charing Cross, S.W.”, no date, lacking a small part of the bottom edge so missing a few words

Item Date:  0
Stock No:  42209      £1100

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LEECH (John, 1817-1864, Punch Cartoonist & Illustrator)

Autograph Letter Signed to “My dear Sir”, T. Eyre saying that “at last I beg to return the 2 Vol; (Mexico) you were so kind as to lend me, and but that you have so often forbade any apology would again attempt to excuse myself for having kept them so long. I don’t think I ever committed a work with more satisfaction and may I say advantage... in respect of some particulars which made them exceedingly apropos. My avocations however afford me but little time to read consecutively and the entire perusal of the work have been interrupted by long intervals. Pray allow of this in excuse...”, with a long postscript asking him to “do me the great kindness, in your next ‘Punch’ dispatches for Mexico... considered one of my... happiest efforts, & is not the worst idea for revolutionary principles introduced at Home...”, 4 sides 8vo., 1 Vale Place, Hammersmith, 4th November

Item Date:  1848
Stock No:  42188      £275

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