Sophie Dupré - Military or Naval

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GRAZIANI (Rodolfo, Marchese di Neghelli,1882-1955, officer in the Italian Royal Army who led military expeditions in Africa before and during World War II)

Fine photo signed with the place and date, showing him head and shoulders in uniform, 9" x 6½" in mount 15½" x 11½", Rome,

Item Date:  1939
Stock No:  33141      £475

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GREENHILL (Henry, 1646-1708, Governor of the Gold Coast)

Document signed as Principal Commissioner of the Navy, to "The Clerk of the Checqs Storekeeper, and Clerks of the Survey, Ropeyard and Master Ropemaker" at Portsmouth, directing them "to take a regular and exact Survey of all the hemp now remaining in the Stores", for transmission to the Navy Board, 1 side 8vo., 14th March 1699 /

Item Date:  1700
Stock No:  19820      £95

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GRENVILLE (Richard, d. 22nd April 1823, Lieutenant-General, Colonel, 23rd Regiment of Foot)

Autograph Letter Signed to 'Dear Sir', saying he is afraid "the rules of the office do not admit of Watson's getting a Lieutenancy. We must therefore be satisfied with an Ensigncy, & hope for speedy promotion", and asking his correspondent "to state it to Sr. Geo: Yonge accordingly", (1731-1812, Secretary at War), with a P.S. asking him "to speak with Colonel Balfour", Lt.-Col. Nisbet Balfour, (1743-1823), 23rd Foot, "as I do not suppose he can keep his Quarter Mastership ... and hold the Ensigncy of Invalids", 1 side 4to and conjugate leaf, Windsor, 15th June

Item Date:  1790
Stock No:  56569      £175

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GREY (Charles, 1804-1870, Secretary to Prince Albert 1849-1861 and to Queen Victoria 1861-1870, General from 1865)

Autograph Letter Signed to Colonel William Wylde (1788-1877, of the Royal Artillery), headed 'Private and Confidential', saying his brother Henry, (1802-1894, Secretary at War, 1835-1839, Colonial Secretary 1846-1852, from 1845 3rd Earl Grey), has written "about the Government of Gibraltar", Henry is "very anxious to break through the rule, which has hitherto excluded Generals of your branch of the service from such commands", and has asked Charles "to try & find one ,,, with the good sense & judgement to conduct our intercourse with the Spaniards" and "likely to be efficient in his Military Capacity - for at present I have a notion, it is a mighty slack Garrison", adding "Your Lieutenant Generals will probably be too old - but my brother would nor hesitate about appointing" a really good "Major General ... in spite of Horse Guards - How would Sir R, Gardiner do it?", Henry has not "made up his mind to appoint an Artillery General ... but he wishes to know who are your most efficient men", 3 sides 8vo., Windsor Castle, 11th October

Item Date:  1848
Stock No:  54913      £475

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[GREY (Sir Charles, 1729-1807, fought with success at Minden and in the American War of Independence, General, Baron, 1801, and 1st Earl, 1806, father of the Prime Minister)]

Portrait engraved by Ridley 'from an original Miniature', showing him head and shoulders in uniform with the Star of the Bath, 5½" x 4¼", pub. J. Sewell, Cornhill, 1st January neatly laid down

Item Date:  1797
Stock No:  51284      £25

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