Sophie Dupré - Military or Naval

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SHREWSBURY (Henry John Chetwynd Talbot, 1803-1868, Admiral, 18th Earl)

Autograph Letter Signed to 'Dear Sir', saying that Wellington College is "a very good place to put a young lad", though "Alfred my boy is a very reserved & shy young fellow & did not much like it", and is now at a private tutor's, he mentions the Church accounts and asks his correspondent to follow up a reference for a Mr. Boyd seeking a living "and what his Church tenets are", 4 sides 8vo., Ingestre, 18th December traces of transparent strip in blank margin of fourth side

Item Date:  1864
Stock No:  50099      £125

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SHREWSBURY (Henry John Chetwynd Talbot, 1803-1868, Admiral, 18th Earl)

Autograph Letter Signed to 'Sir', saying after enquiries, that building a larger parsonage house on the Glebe Field "is not warranted", and would be "an incumbrance to future Incumbents of so small a living", so he will not be subscribing, 2 sides 8vo., Ingestre, 7th February printed biographical note laid down on recto

Item Date:  1861
Stock No:  50098      £65

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SKENE (James Henry, 1812-1886, Writer, Traveller and British Consul a Alleppo in the Crimean War)For his services with the staff of the Army served in the Crimean War)

Fine Long Autograph Letter Signed, marked ‘Private’ to ‘His Exxcellency Viscount Stratford de Redcliffe’ saying that he has done his “utmost for Sir Artur Rumbold as your Excellency seemed to take an interest in him, but I am sorry to say he has not obtained a Staff appointment. I had arranged one for him with Genl Smith and Major Green, who is at the head of the department I wished to get him into, but when Gen Watt assumed the command he objected on the ground of his being a Baronet which might make the untitled complain. He has therefore been posted to a regiment, and I hope his activity and zeal will enable him to achieve a better position. I shall be watchful to assist him when an opportunity offers. Poor Lady Rumbold is much disappointed with Shumla and the Bashi Bazaks, so much so that they talked of leaving us, but I hope they will get reconciled to this sort of life. Since writing to your Lordship on the 24th I have had the satisfaction of seeing our greatest difficulty, that of procuring supplies, overcome. I have also renewed my exertions to get the scattered portions of the Force together in the tents of Pravadi as soon as an improvement in the weather may favour this short march. Genl Watt has been guided by my suggestions on this point. Genl Smith has gained some strength this week, and hopes to be able to go in a sledge to Varna on Sunday next. I have still much cause for anxiety about this Force...”, 4 sides 8vo., Shumla, 28th December 1855

Item Date:  0
Stock No:  42534      £275

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SKINNER (William, 1700-1780, Chief Engineer of Great Britain, Lieut. General)

Autograph Letter Signed to  Sir Charles FREDERICK  Surveyor General of the Ordnance, regarding the "Death of Mr James Morier, one of the Overseers at Fort George, North Britain", which Skinner constructed, recommending Mr Arthur Calwall as a successor to Morier, 1 side folio, Greenwich, 12th October

Item Date:  1763
Stock No:  3122      £35

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SKINNER (William, 1700-1780, Chief Engineer of Great Britain, Lieut. General)

Autograph Letter Signed to  Thomas THOROTON  (1723-1784, M.P. Secretary to the Board of Ordnance) informing him that he knows "of no objections against the promotion of Mr Nathaniel Minshales practitioner-Engineer, nor any objections to his succeeding Mr Charles Weston ...", 1 side 4to., Greenwich, 27th July

Item Date:  1769
Stock No:  3123      £35

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