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WOLSELEY (Sir Garnet, 1833-1913, Field Marshal and C-in-C of the Army, from 1885 1st Viscount)

Letter Signed to Captain the Hon. E.R. Fremantle, CB, CMG, saying he is very pleased to tell him that the appointment of Sergeant Dauncey of the 7th Dragoon Giuards to a commission "is about to be submitted for the Queen's approval", 2 sides 8vo., on black edged paper, War Office, 20th May

Item Date:  1884
Stock No:  54740      £75

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WOLSELEY (Garnet, Viscount, 1833-1913, Field Marshal, C-in-C of the Army)

Fine Letter Signed to "My dear HOWARD VINCENT" (Sir Charles Edward, 1849-1908, Soldier, Barrister and Conservative MP) regretting that he had been unable to "be present at your lunch last Saturday. I was unfortunately detained here until late and left in the evening for the country. It was very kind of you to ask me & I regret very much having missed meeting the Australian Delegates. I met them once & thought they were very interesting men full of sense & loyalty ...", 2 sides 8vo., Commander in Chief headed paper, 25th June

Item Date:  1900
Stock No:  40639      £75

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WOLSELEY (Sir Garnet, 1833-1913, Field Marshal and C-in-C of the Army, from 1885 1st Viscount)

Letter Signed to "My dear Mr Dean", the Very RevSamuel HOLE (1819-1904, Priest Author and Horiculturalist, dean of Rochester) saying he will "be very glad to have my name associated in any way with the Good object you have in view. As a brother Mason I wish you every success ...", 1 side 8vo., on monogrammed paper, Brighton, 16th April

Item Date:  1898
Stock No:  40566      £75

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WOLSELEY (Sir Garnet, 1833-1913, Field Marshal and C-in-C of the Army, from 1885 1st Viscount)

Letter Signed to "My dear Henry" promising to "do my best for your friend Canon Hole - Our present Chaplain General has done much good in that position that I confess to being in despair at the news contained in your letter. You know what a useless - that is a wild adjective - set of men we used to have as Chaplains Well all that has been changed by Mr Edgehill ...", 2 sides 8vo., War Office headed paper, 12th July

Item Date:  1887
Stock No:  40221      £75

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WOLSELEY (Sir Garnet, 1833-1913, Field Marshal and C-in-C of the Army, from 1885 1st Viscount)

Fine Letter Signed to Mr MacMillan saying that "our friend Maurice has brought me a book from you as a present. Very strange to say it is a perfect copy of a work that I have long wanted. I had a copy when a boy, but for the last few years I have been on the look out for another as I am anxious to collect all the works I can that bear upon the military achievements of William III and of Anne's reign. We have no copy of 'Story' either in the War Office, or United Service Institute, nor in the London Library, so your present supplies me with what I value very much. Thank you many times ... I hope this cold summer is not making you suffer from your old enemy ...", 3 sides 8vo., 6 Hill Street, 21st June

Item Date:  1885
Stock No:  40555      £175

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