Sophie Dupré - Military or Naval

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CATHCART (Charles Murray, 1783-1859, from 1810 Lord Greenock, from 1843 2nd Earl, Commander in Chief, British North America, 1846-1849)

Autograph Letter Signed 'C.M. Cathcart Maj & AQMrG', to Lieutenant Trant, Assistant Quarter Master General, saying "for the Information of the Quarter Master General that a warrant was Signed by Lord Cathcart", (1756-1843, the writer's father), "at Copenhagen for two months Pay for me as a Permanent Assistant Quarter Master General from the 25th of September to the 24th of November 1807", 1 side 4to., Edinburgh, 15th January

Item Date:  1808
Stock No:  55427      £225

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CATHCART (Charles Schaw, 9th Lord Cathcart, 1721-1776, Lieutenant-General, Soldier and Diplomat, Chief of the Clan Cathcart)

Autograph Letter Signed 'Cathcart' to an unnamed correspondent saying that “your letter of the 25th of Novr last was sent from London to Doncaster in the expectation that I should receive it upon my Road from Scotland, and been but just retuned to me from that Place which is the reason why I have not taken an earlier opportunity of thanking you for it. Give me leave to do it now, and to request the farther favour of you to send the Box addresst to me in Dover Street, either by Land or Water Carriage as the size of it may render most advisable. If its bulk makes a Water Carriage preferable you will be so good as to address it to the Car of Mr Henry Foot in Durham Yard in the Strand...”, 1 side 4to., Dover Street, 21st January

Item Date:  1768
Stock No:  41767      £375

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CHABROL-51250-1.jpg PORTUGAL 1847
CHABROL (Christophe André Jean, 1771-1836, French Minister of the Navy 1824-1828, Comte de)

Document signed, in French with translation, to 'Dear Count', (probably the French representative in the Spanish colony of Cuba), saying that "the Chamber of Commerce of Nantes has sent me a memorandum ... on the duty, imposed by the Customs at Santiago de Cuba, of 2 piastres on French ships, although United States ships pay only 1½ per ton", making it impossible to compete, it being all the more unjust since on the Continent, French and Spanish dues "have been settled on a completely reciprocal basis", he has asked the Foreign Minister to take this up with the Spanish Government, and now asks his correspondent to join Admiral Jurien in approaching the Governor of Havana directly, in a P.S. he says that the French papers have copied an English report of a reduction, but he has heard nothing officially, 2 sides folio, Paris, 12th August

Item Date:  1824
Stock No:  51250      £225

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[CHARD (John Rouse Merriott, 1847-1897, V.C., Colonel Royal Engineers, Hero of Rorke's Drift)]

Fine unsigned Woodburytype Portrait Photograph, by Lock and Whitfield, showing him head and shoulders, in profile, looking to his right, in military uniform, in an oval, 4½" x 3¾", in mount 10½" x 8", no place, no date, circa

Item Date:  1880
Stock No:  40701      £425

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CHESHIRE (Group Captain Leonard, 1917-1992, Bomber Pilot, V.C., Founder of the Cheshire Homes)

Fine Long Typed Letter Signed to R. D. Burton thanking him for his letter and the “enclosed copy of your open letter to members of Parliament. I am very sorry to say, however, that I don’t quite take the same view as you do about Hess. You are probably not aware of the fact that there are still languishing in German jails a number of men who as young boys were torn from their homes by the Nazis for no reason whatsoever other than their nationality or perhaps that a British airman had escaped from the general area. Quite apart from the dreadful suffering they underwent in the concentration camps they witnessed their parents or other relatives being put to death, and upon their release tracked down the SS and Gestapo members who had done this and took their own revenge. Those who were caught by the Allies were sentenced to life imprisonment, which means 20 years with us, but is forever in Germany. Thus when Germany regained her sovereignty she decided to keep these boys in prison for the rest of their lives. They were clearly wrong to have done what they did, but I am sure you will agree that it was under pressure of circumstances, which is not what I can say of Hess. Indeed their small crimes were absolutely nothing when compared with what he did. There may well be an argument for saying that despite what he did to ruin the lives of both innocent people and occupied countries one might release him in his old age. But then how is it that nobody in this country is interested in these unfortunate boys? The Government does not want to know and won’t take any action... In short if I add my signature to any letter of appeal it would be on behalf of them...”, 1 side A4, Cavendish, Suffolk, 10th April

Item Date:  1978
Stock No:  42723      £150

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