Sophie Dupré - Military or Naval

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GORDON (Charles George, 1833-1885, General Gordon of Khartoum, 'Chinese Gordon')

Superb Illustrated Autograph Letter Signed to "My dear Gerald", starting with a description of his journey to Galatz by rail and carriage, "as I could not speak the languages German is by far the most useful out here & I must try and learn it ... I thought to find it very mountainous near Czernowitz where the Carpatheans extend their spurs but it is not so ... this is the route the savage tribes of old used to follow in their descent on Daria and Roumania, and it is fine pasture land ..." he discusses the possible abdication of Prince Charles, "the very French feeling of the Boyards renders him quite a puppet .. he has 50000£ a year, & so he thinks twice before he will leave ... The Empress of Austria's companion and great friend is Miss Throgmorton. Bucharest is much improved ... Divorce being so very easy that a woman may meet two of her former husbands in the same room. Galatz is a large semi civilised place ... Stokes is very civil & kind, he has worked this Commission admirably ... The Commission consists of Turkish, Austrian, English, French, Russian, Italian, Prussian Commissioners, who meet twice a year & make very prosy proposals. The Executive Committee is Stokes, who rules them all & carries everything ..." he continues that he had been "down to the Delta .. it is a dismal swamp ... the fish come down & get a prick & then perhaps turn round and impale themselves ... the villages are principally Russian ... they used to be much persecuted, they do not smoke but make up for it by drinking ... All these environs are historical ..." he details some events of note in the area and continues that "The Turkish soldiers are fine soldierly fellows with quite a swagger ..." he has drawn an excellent detailed map of the area on the final sheet, with all the places that are mentioned clearly named, 8 sides 8vo., Galatz, 22nd November

Item Date:  1871
Stock No:  38295      £7500

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GORE-LANGTON (William, 1760-1847, of Newton Park, Somerset, Colonel)

Autograph Letter in the third person to Mr Nicholetts, truly regretting he cannot dine with the Reformers of Bridport owing to Mrs Gore-Langton's health, 1 side 8vo., Malvern, 8th August

Item Date:  1832
Stock No:  50151      £25

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GORELL (Ronald Gorell Barnes, 1884-1963, Colonel & Author)

Typed Letter Signed to 'Dear Sir', thanking him for "the copy of 'Poetry' ... it was your first letter which brought it or the Empire Poetry League to my knowledge ... I feel that if I, who have been closely attentive both to Imperial and poetic affairs for a great many years, was so ignorant, many other people must be also", as to "the meeting at the Lyceum Club on May 7, I only know that I was invited by the members (it is a ladies' club only) to dine and speak to them afterwards on poetry", he does not think the club is inviting non-members, "As to severity in criticism, personally I think one only need fear injustice ... but I am grateful to you for your reassurance", 2 sides 8vo, 31 Kensington Square, W.8., 2nd May

Item Date:  1925
Stock No:  17207      £25

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GORT (Charles Vereker, 1768-1842, Soldier and Politician, from 1817 2nd Viscount)

Autograph Envelope Signed for Free Postage, to Mrs PALLISER, 54 Wellington Street, Leamington, from Dublin, 26th November a trifle worn without loss

Item Date:  1839
Stock No:  55859      £20

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GOSSIP, 1939

Paper Slip headed 'Gossip', printed in red, for inserting in passports, warning that "You will not help Britain while abroad, if you ... run down the British war effort ... allege that British Government organisations are ... inept", imply that "Britain is defenceless or in danger" or "talk thoughtlessly of military, aerial or naval matters, even if, in your opinion, what you say is harmless", ending "As a British citizen you have the right to 'grouse' in your own country; but idle gossip and grumbles voiced abroad are a help to the enemy", 100,000 copies printed by 'M&C Ltd.', 1 side 3¼" x 8", no place, November

Item Date:  1939
Stock No:  56117      £75

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