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EDEN (George Rodney, 1853-1940, Bishop of Wakefield 1897-1928)

Signed portrait photo obituary attached to front corner

Item Date:  1905
Stock No:  50283      £35

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EDGELL (Frances)

Long Autograph Letter Signed to her mother at Oak End, Gerrards Cross, describing visits to her [probably maternal] grandmother, Regent's Park, and the Bakers, "After ... a little while Lady Baker asked Alex whether he ever bribed an Omnibus driver, to let him drive", Alex took the hint and "we both went away ... I got the presents and a parasol, for which I took French leave of Papa's purse", she saw Admiral Napier's portrait at "the Exhibition ... I wish you would let me come home for the Montem ... I ... could go back by the 7 o'clock Coach Wednesday morn ... Perhaps ... Heneri could drive up for me", she could have her picture taken "in the most correct style ... by the Master who teaches heads here Mr Mulready in water colors", and asks, "if any body comes to Town", for "some vegetables in a hamper", 4 sides 4to., Cadogan Place, Chelsea, 1st June small tear on opening without loss

Item Date:  1835
Stock No:  19721      £45

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EDWARDS (Alfred George, 1848-1937, Bishop of St. Asaph 1889-1934, Archbishop of Wales 1920-1934)

Autograph letter signed 'A.G. Asaph' to Miss Hughes, returning 'North and South' [by Mrs Gaskell], "It is interesting to compare it with 'Shirley' and 'Felix Holt the Radical', all ... by women writers and ... somewhat like in character", Mrs Gaskell's is "certainly the best told", 2 sides 8vo, The Palace, St Asaph, 26th January

Item Date:  1892
Stock No:  52936      £35

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EDWARDS (Alfred George, 1848-1937, Bishop of St. Asaph 1889-1934, Archbishop of Wales 1920-1934)

Signed postcard photo, 20th July

Item Date:  1904
Stock No:  50284      £30

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EDWARDS (Alfred George, 1848-1937, Bishop of St. Asaph 1889-1934, Archbishop of Wales 1920-1934)

Typed Letter Signed 'A.G. Cambr[ensis]' to 'My dear Sir', saying "Your suggestion raises many interesting points" but fearing "you would be met with such formidable objections" as to make it impracticable, 1 side 8vo., The Palace, St. Asaph, 13th September a little foxed

Item Date:  1922
Stock No:  19256      £15

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