Sophie Dupré - Miscellaneous

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HYTHE-39000-1.jpg PROPERTY SALE IN 1615 FOR £430

Fine document signed by John Grove "of the Towne and Parh of Hyth Jurate have received and had the daye of the date hereof of William Blackamore of the Parishe of Stone within the sayd County the summe of fower hundred and thirty poundes of English money in full payment and satisfaction of one Messuage called the Stone Howse and fyftye and five acres of land lyinge and being in Stone and one howse and three acres of land lyinge in Writisam in the County of Kent which I lately sould unto the sayd William Blackamore and to his heyres for ever, off which fore hundred and thirty poundes and all actions touching the same I do acquite, release and discharge the sayd William Blackamore his heyres and assignes for ever dated the xxviith of December 1615 and in the twelfe year of the Reigne of Kinge James over England and of Scotland the xlviiith ...", 1 side folio, no place, 27th December

Item Date:  1615
Stock No:  39000      £375

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IGNATIUS (Father, Joseph Leycester Lyne, 1837-1908, Benedictine, builder of Llanthony Abbey, 1869)

Signature 'Ignatius O.S.B.' and subscription 'Monk of the Church of England', circa

Item Date:  1880
Stock No:  53400      £25

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IGNATIUS (Brother, O.S.B.)

Signature & the words 'Jesus Only' addressed in another hand on the verso to Miss Napper in Brighton, tipped onto an album leaf

Item Date:  0
Stock No:  21438      £25

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INGE (Very Rev. William Ralph, 1860-1954, Dean of St. Paul's, 1911-1934)

Autograph Letter Signed to an unnamed correspondent regretfully refusing an invitation to Scotland, 1 side 8vo., Deanery, St. Paul's, no date, c.

Item Date:  1920
Stock No:  12686      £10

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INGE (William R., 1860-1954, Dean of St Paul's, Writer)

Autograph Letter Signed to Dr Ernest, thanking him for "sending me your book. I hope I shall not qualify for inclusion among genuine centenarians! My mother, who died at 83, had not a grey hair, and the top of my head is still brown ...", 1 side 8vo., Brightwell Manor, Wallingford, Berks, no date,

Item Date:  0
Stock No:  3204      £20

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