Sophie Dupré - Music/Dance

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BLISS (Trudy, née Hoffmann, American-born wife of Sir Arthur, 1891-1975, Composer, Master of the Queen's Musick)

Collection of 9 Typed Letter Signed and 3 Autograph Letter Signed to John R. Wood of the Cheltenham Gramophone Society, saying "I am not a musician myself ... but I do have many tapes of Sir Arthur speaking himself about his music and I would like to incorporate these" (30th March 1977), agreeing 28th November (13th April 1977), Lady Bliss develops her ideas (13th May - 30th June 1977), "I ... am busy timing it now" on tape, "may I ... ask if you ... feel I have got the right balance between music and speaking? Never having done this before" (23rd September 1977), "The first part takes about fifty-three minutes ... the CELLO CONCERTO hangs together so beautifully and I could not bear not to play it all ... I could easly slip in ... the BIRTHDAY SONG FOR A ROYAL CHILD" with a note "May I have the script back, I'm sure I shall improve it" (October 1977), "I would prefer no questions from the floor but am quite willing to answer anything ... in the interval or afterwards"(1st November 1977), she can put up "a few record sleeves and photographs and covers of printed works" (9th November 1977), arranging the run through (21st November 1977), and thanking Wood for his "kind letter and the cheque for £10" (8th December 1977), together 13 sides 8vo. and 1 side 4to., 8 the Lane, Marlborough Place, London NW8, 30th March - 8th December

Item Date:  1977
Stock No:  16794      £75

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BLUMENTHAL (Jacques, 1829-1908, German-born Composer and Pianist to Queen Victoria)

Autograph Letter Signed to Mrs Jeune, (Mary, wife, 1881, of Francis Henry Jeune, judge, from 1905 Baron St. Helier), saying he has "secured the best German Liedersänger for you, Herr Zur Mühlen", (Raimund von, 1854-1931), "You must give him a good place in the Programme ... Towards end of 1st Part - or beginning of 2nd will be good", and (with apologies) "If you write to him you must write more clearly - these foreigners have great difficulty in reading any English Handwriting & yours is not one of the easiest when you are in a hurry (wh. I suppose you generally are). Hollmann", the Dutch 'cellist, "sent me on your letter ... to explain it, so I told him the contents", and asking her to send both a printed programme "that they may see when they come on", 4 sides 8vo., 43 Hyde Park Gate, Kensington Gore, S.W., 3rd June

Item Date:  1890
Stock No:  55511      £175

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BODANZKY (Artur, 1877-1939, Austrian Conductor)

Autograph Postcard Signed to Frau Anna Geissmar in Mannheim, in German with translation, saying that he has "never felt so well and send my warmest good wishes to you, Leopold, Berte and my other friends in Mannheim whom I often think about even though I am no longer Court Musician there ...", 1 side postcard, 26th February

Item Date:  1916
Stock No:  39310      £75

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BOLES (John, 1895-1969, American Operetta Singer)

Fine signature and inscription, "To Lionel every good wish cordially, p.s. Ass high !!",

Item Date:  1949
Stock No:  11341      £15

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BONIN (Mary, Russian Soprano)

Publicity leaflet signed & inscribed "Best wishes and kind regards", on the front cover photo which shows her head on shoulders, 3 pages 4to., no place, no date

Item Date:  0
Stock No:  10434      £25

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