Sophie Dupré - Political

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FOX (Charles James, 1749-1806, the famous Whig orator, opponent of Lord North over America, friend of the Prince of Wales)

Fine Autograph Letter Signed to GRENVILLE (Lord William, 1759-1834, Prime Minister) saying that he "will not wonder at my being harried too much at this moment to write you a detail of what has happened. I do assure you that the thing that has given me most concern is the sort of scrape I have drawn you into, but I think I may depend upon your way of thinking for forgiving me, though to say one can depend upon any man is a bold word after what has passed within these few days. I am sure on the other hand that you may depend upon my eternal gratitude to you for what you have undergone on my account, and that you always must have the greatest share in my friendship & affection. I do not think you will think these [less] valuable than you used to do. I have done right. I am sure I have. The Duke of Richmond thinks very much otherwise I will do wrong. I can not help it. I am sure my staying would have been a means of deceiving the Public & betraying my Party, & there are things not to be done for the sake of any supposed temporary good. I feel that my situation in the Country, my power, my popularity, my consequence nay my character ... but I have done right & therefore in the end it must turn out to have been wise. If this fail me, the pillor'd firmament is Rottenness and Earth's Base built on a bubble. adieu. your Brother disapproves too ...", 3 sides 4to., St James's, 5th July

Item Date:  1782
Stock No:  40112      £675

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FOX (ELizabeth, nee Armistead, 1750-1842, Courtesan and wife of Charles James Fox)

Signature and end of an Autograph Letter Signed to an unnamed correspondent with some text saying she has "almost daily lamented hving done so but your kindness assures me that you are not angry with me ...", with a note in another hand identifying her, 4½" x 3½", no place, no date

Item Date:  0
Stock No:  40281      £75

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FOX (Sir Stephen, 1627-1716, Statesman, Commissioner of the Treasury)

Rare Autograph Letter Signed to "Le Chevalier Bulstrode Agent du Roy a la Grande Bretagne à Bruxelles" Sir Richard BULSTRODE (1610-1711, Author, Diplomat and Soldier, supporter of Charles I and II and James II) saying that "At so short a morning as gives me no time for appollogy, I write to you my request that you will take care this enclosed letter may be given to the Lady to whom it is directed & shd by ye first passage you will give me the sattisfaction to be made known that it is accordingly delivered whereby I shall think my self obliged ...", 1 side 4to., with autograph address on the verso with two small wax seals, Whitehall, 23rd December

Item Date:  1681
Stock No:  41141      £375

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FRANKLAND (Sir Thomas, c. 1665-1726, M.P., Commissioner of the Exchequer, 1689, Joint Postmaster General, 1690-1715, Commissioner of the Customs 1715-1718, 2nd Bart.)

Fine Receipt Document Signed as "ass[ignee] of the Earl of Falconbridge [Fauconberg]" (his mother's brother Thomas Belasyse, 1628-1700, 1st Earl), to James Vernon, Teller of the Exchequer, for £14, being 3 months' Annuity due at "Midsomer last past", on £400 advanced to the Exchequer on 25th September 1693, printed with MS additions, 1 side 12¼" x 7¾", the receipt 24th July

Item Date:  1707
Stock No:  51648      £625

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FRESHFIELD (James William, 1775-1864, F.R.S., M.P.)

Signature from an address panel signed for free postage, with the place and date in his hand from the top of the panel, Cheltenham, 26th May small defect touching first initial

Item Date:  1836
Stock No:  14941      £10

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