Sophie Dupré - Political

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ROTHSCHILD (Ferdinand de, 1839-1898, Banker, Art Collector and Politician)

Autograph Postcard Signed to an illegible correspondent thanking him “for your kind answer...” identified in another hand, 1 side card with monogram in purple, 21st June no year

Item Date:  0
Stock No:  41966      £75

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RUNCIMAN (Sir Walter, 1870-1949, Historian and Liberal Statesman, from 1937 1st Viscount)

Autograph Letter Signed to Mr Spender, thanking him for putting "so suitable a paragraph in the Westminster [Gazette] about Lord Joicey", (James JOICEY, 1846-1936, from 1905 1st Baron), "I hope he appreciates it ... I think we look like winning though one can never tell what effect the idea of Irish self government may have on a new generation of people", 2 facing sides 8vo., Hôtel Métropole, London, 14th December

Item Date:  1909
Stock No:  13203      £30

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RUSSELL (Lord John, 1st Earl, 1792-1878, K.G., Prime Minister)

Frank to John Walters, M.P., at Windsor, Yelverton, 36th (sic) June, postmarked 23rd June

Item Date:  1836
Stock No:  51322      £25

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RUSSELL (Lord John, 1st Earl, 1792-1878, K.G., Prime Minister)

Frank to Messrs. Chambers, Paternoster Row, London, 3rd August

Item Date:  1860
Stock No:  51323      £25

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RUSSELL (Lord George William, 1790-1846, M.P., Ambassador to Berlin 1835-1841)

Attractive Autograph Letter Signed 'Your faithful Sert. Wm. Russell' to 'My dear Miss Novello', (Clara Anastasia NOVELLO, 1818-1908, the famous soprano, daughter of Vincent Novello, 1781-1861), telling her that he is "going to Potsdam tomorrow in hope of finding Fr. Wm.", (Friedrich Wilhelm III, 1770-1840, King of Prussia from 1797), "well enough to come & meet you at dinner tomorrow", suggesting she ask also "a Venetian Gentleman here, Mr Weber a great admirer of yours ... if I knew him I would invite him myself ... we could after dinner sit near the Piano instead of sitting round the fire ... don't let me be any gêne to you", 2 sides 8vo., no place. [Berlin], 'Thursday' no date,

Item Date:  1838
Stock No:  13861      £35

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