Sophie Dupré - Political

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GRAY (William, 1814-1895, M.P. for Bolton)

Autograph Letter Signed to W. Sandford of Bath, saying "upon your sendng a messenger with 2/- ... to 17 Fludyer St. in Downing St. ... the Passeport will be ready for delivery", embossed House of Commons stamp, 1 side 8vo, 4 St. James' Place, S.W., 16th June

Item Date:  1858
Stock No:  17276      £15

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GRAY (Sir Alexander George, 1882-1968, Professor of Political Economy at Aberdeen 1921-1934 and Edinburgh 1934-1956)

Typed Letter Signed to Viscount Waverley, (Sir John ANDERSON, 1882-1958, Statesman) consoling him on his return to hospital but congratulating him on his Order of Merit, saying "the news about the O.M. can only evoke shouts of joy ... the O.M. is not merely commendably select and few, but singularly free from members who are somehow doubtfully up to the expected standard. This is indeed the crowning acknowledgment of a career which has really been quite extraordinary", 3 sides 4to., 8 Abbotsford Park, Edinburgh, 11th December original staple

Item Date:  1957
Stock No:  12534      £20

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GRÉVY (Jules, 1813-1891, French President 1879-1887)

Finely penned Document signed, in French with translation, to the President of Peru, (till December 1885 Miguel Iglesias, his successor Cáceres was formally elected in June 1886), announcing Grévy's re-election as President of France, signed also by Charles de Freycinet (1828-1923, Prime Minister & Foreign Minister 1879-1880, 1882, 1886), 1 side folio, Paris, 2nd January slight damage in heading touching five letters, light brown spotting

Item Date:  1886
Stock No:  52545      £225

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GRENVILLE (1st Baron, William Wyndham, 1759-1834, Speaker 1789, Prime Minister 1806-1807, from 1790 1st Baron)

Important Letter signed to "My dear Lord" saying that he has seen "this morning by the Papers, that your name, Lord Fitzwiliam's and mine are included in the list of the Secret Committee. It is not a pleasant duty to undertake especially at a time when I have reason to fear that the view which I have already taken of the present internal situation of this country, & of the dangers by which the public peace is threatened, is one of much more alarm than is felt by many of my friends. But under these impressions such a duty cannot be declined, & I can only endeavour to discharge it with diligence and impartiality. But it would matter of infinite satisfaction to me, to have the benefit of your assistance & Lord Fitzwilliam's to correct any error into which I may fall, either from the still remaining impression of transactions long since past, or for that anxious solicitude which I have ever felt for protecting the Public Peace against every danger of disturbance, & for eradicating the Independence of Parliament against, even the slightest appearance of force or intimidation ...", he ends by saying that he has asked Lord Fitzwilliam and is asking him to attend the first meeting the following day, 4 sides 8vo., Hamilton Place, 6th February

Item Date:  1817
Stock No:  39605      £475

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GRENVILLE (1st Baron, William Wyndham, 1759-1834, Speaker 1789, Prime Minister 1806-1807, from 1790 1st Baron)

Long and Affectionate Autograph Letter signed to an unnamed correspondent thanking him for his "kindness about the swans, which will look magnificent upon our great lake. But I write to you in great anxiety from what my brother tells me of the new form in which the gout has shown itself. I know you do not like to be importuned about taking medical advice, & you know that anxious as I always am about you I do not often plague you upon that subject, but all grievances of this particular description are sources of so much misery & torment, as well as danger that I cannot help most earnestly entreating you, if not from your own conviction of its necessity, yet at least as a personal favour to myself, to let Copeland see you - you know I daresay that he is in that line as decidedly at the head of his profession as any man of that occupation ever was in any line of the whole catalogue of ills that flesh is heir to & I can speak from personal experience of him, though happily, I thank God for it, not in that way, that you will find him most attentive & pleasing in his manner, if it did not sound ridiculous, I should say attackingly so, & in every respect well fitted to produce in his patients a sincere, & I myself think a really well founded conviction, of his earnest & deep anxiety to make his skill available to their benefits. Do not pass over this entreaty of mine slightly, pray consider it, & pray, pray grant it ...", 4 sides 8vo., Dropmore, September

Item Date:  1830
Stock No:  41757      £475

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