Sophie Dupré - Political

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HOME (Sir Alec Douglas-, 1903-1995, Prime Minister)

Typed Letter Signed 'Alec' with autograph postscript to "My dear Mabel",  STRICKLAND  (Hon. Mabel Edeline,1899-1988, OBE, Leader of the Progressive Constitutional Party, Malta from 1953), thanking her for the letter and the useful memorandum enclosed, which he has sent to several people, "I am aware of potential dangers in the situation as it exists at present between Britain and Malta" and this is being looked into carefully, "My colleagues and I are anxious to settle this matter as fairly and as rapidly as possible", he goes on to talk about the increasing presence of the Russian Navy and their interest in Malta, "The Russian move at the Trade Fair had not escaped our attention", 1 side 4to, Foreign Commonwealth Office, London,3rd September

Item Date:  1970
Stock No:  27791      £95

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HOME (Sir Alec Douglas-, 1903-1995, Prime Minister)

Typed Letter Signed 'Alec' to "My dear Mabel",  STRICKLAND  (Hon. Mabel Edeline,1899-1988, OBE, Leader of the Progressive Constitutional Party, Malta from 1953), thanking her for the photo's of which he will keep one and send the other two back, and that they had a very good trip to Australia and enjoyed themselves,1 side 8v, 12th March

Item Date:  1970
Stock No:  27784      £65

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HOME (Sir Alec Douglas-, 1903-1995, Prime Minister)

Typed Letter Signed 'Alec' to "My dear Mabel",  STRICKLAND  (Hon. Mabel Edeline,1899-1988, OBE, Leader of the Progressive Constitutional Party, Malta from 1953), thanking her for the letter about Ambassador Pritzlaff, "I am dining with the Annenbergs but fear not that night. I may perhaps run across him", 1 side 8vo, House of Commons, 9th November

Item Date:  1970
Stock No:  27785      £65

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HOME (Sir Alec Douglas-, 1903-1995, Prime Minister)

Typed Letter Signed 'Alec' to "My dear Mabel",  STRICKLAND  (Hon. Mabel Edeline,1899-1988, OBE, Leader of the Progressive Constitutional Party, Malta from 1953), "It was nice to see you and to have what you told me reinforced in your letter. We keep our fingers crossed!", 1 side 8vo, Foreign Commonwealth Office, London, 8th June

Item Date:  1971
Stock No:  27783      £65

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HOME (Sir Alec Douglas-, 1903-1995, Prime Minister)

Typed Letter Signed 'Alec' to "My dear Mabel",  STRICKLAND  (Hon. Mabel Edeline,1899-1988, OBE, Leader of the Progressive Constitutional Party, Malta from 1953), thanking her for the telegram, and saying that they have got the best possible agreement, inscriped "Now we must see that the 'vals' don't get at it", 1 side 8vo, House of Commons, 26th November

Item Date:  1971
Stock No:  27786      £75

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