Sophie Dupré - Political

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BALFOUR (Arthur James, 1848-1930, Prime Minister 1902-1905, Earl)

Autograph Letter marked "Private" signed to Mr Fielden sending "one line to say that I have received your letter ... and its accompanying Resolution, passed by the Clergy of the Rural Deanery of Prestwich, in favour of the Education Bill. I hope you will take an opportunity of expressing to them the gratification with which I have read their approval of the measure ..." 1 side 8vo., 10 Downing Street, First Lord of the Treasury headed mourning paper, 10th June

Item Date:  1901
Stock No:  39461      £175

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BALFOUR (Arthur James, 1848-1930, Prime Minister 1902-1905, Earl)

Fine letter signed as Prime Minister to T. L. Humberstone marked 'dictated' saying he has received the "copy of the 'Schoolmaster's Year-Book' which you were good enough to leave here for my acceptance, and I beg to thank you ... I doubt not that the book will be found very useful by the profession ...", 3 sides 8vo., 10 Downing Street headed paper with the Prime Minister's stamp, 26th January

Item Date:  1903
Stock No:  38869      £275

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BALFOUR (Arthur James, 1848-1930, Prime Minister 1902-1905, Earl)

Copy letter in a secretary's hand with copy signature 'A.M. [altered by Balfour to 'Arthur'] James Balfour', also marked by Balfour 'Private', to W.J. Kirkpatrick, thanking him "for your volume containing the very valuable letters you wrote to the 'Times' on the subject of the Ashbourne Act. I have no doubt that these letters materially assisted in the enactment of that measure", 1 side 4to., Irish Office, 17th December taken from copy book

Item Date:  1888
Stock No:  12137      £40

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BALFOUR (Gerald, 1853-1945, brother of A.J., from 1930 2nd Earl)

Autograph Letter in the third person to the Mayor and Corporation of Morley, Yorkshire, regretting he cannot attend the opening of the New Town Hall, 1 side 8vo., 24 Addison Road, W., 30th September light traces of laying down on conjugate blank

Item Date:  1895
Stock No:  24331      £15

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BALFOUR (Gerald William, 2nd Earl, 1853-1945, Politician & Psychical Researcher)

Autograph Letter Signed to Mr Morris, saying he has "written bringing the application made on your father's behalf to Mr Smith's notice ...", 1 side 8vo., House of Commons headed paper, 16th June

Item Date:  1887
Stock No:  4884      £15

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