Sophie Dupré - Political

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[KILMOREY (Francis Charles Needham, 1842-1915, from 1880 3rd Earl)]

Portrait photo by Lafayette of London, unsigned, showing him three quarter length, nearly full face, in full dress uniform, 8¼" x 6¼", no place, no date, c.

Item Date:  1912
Stock No:  52647      £95

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KING (Joseph, 1860-1943, Liberal M.P. 1910-1918, writer on social and political questions)

Signature on piece from a letter head, Brownholm, Tilford, Farnham, Surrey, no date, c.

Item Date:  1940
Stock No:  17688      £10

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KING-HALL (Commander William Stephen Richard, 1893-1966, Ind. Nat. M.P., Broadcaster, from 1966 Baron)

Typed Letter Signed to the Hon. Mrs. Franklin, regretting that "I have so much on hand ... that I cannot add to my over-lengthy list of engagements", 1 side 4to, 804 Hood, Dolphin Square, S.W.1., 17th February

Item Date:  1947
Stock No:  17689      £15

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KINGLAKE (Alexander William, 1809-1891, M.P. for Bridgwater 1857-1865, Historian of the Crimean War at Lady Raglan's Invitation)

Autograph Letter in the third person to Mr Benson, saying he "is not accustomed to appear in public and cannot undertake to deliver a lecture", 1 side 8vo., Richmond Hill, Surrey, 8th May traces of mounting by left margin of blank verso

Item Date:  1888
Stock No:  12765      £12

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KINGLAKE (Alexander William, 1809-1891, M.P. for Bridgwater 1857-1865, Historian of the Crimean War at Lady Raglan's Invitation)

Autograph Letter Signed to 'Dear Sir' introducing his "young friend Somerset Beaumont. He is the brother of Wentworth Beaumont, the member for Northumberland ... He is anxious to see you on the subject of this election", 2 sides 8vo., Bugle Inn, Newport, Isle of Wight, 1st February traces of mounting on blank fourth side

Item Date:  1857
Stock No:  12761      £15

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