Sophie Dupré - Political

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STUART (James Gray, 1897-1971, Joint Parliamentary Secretary to the Treasury and Government Chief Whip 1941-1945, Scottish Unionist Secretary of State for Scotland 1951-1957)

Amusing Autograph Letter Signed to Sir John Anderson, (1882-1958, from 1952 1st Viscount Waverley), at the Treasury, saying he has "now moved back into No. 12", the Government Whips' Office, "we have now got better windows than ... before the 'incident' ", presumably a flying bomb, "Your No. 11 is, therefore cleared of the presence of so doubtful a set of people as your Lords of the Treasury and Parliamentary Secretaries. All that you now need to do is to make sure that the affected parts have been properly fumigated! (... You might smoke out the Ld. President above.) ... it was a great convenience being next door to all our papers, etc at No. 12", with a portrait photograph by Howard Coster of Lord Waverley as University Chancellor 6" x 4½", 3 sides 8vo., with envelope marked "Personal", 12 Downing Street, 12th April

Item Date:  1944
Stock No:  13365      £45

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[STUART (Sir Charles, 1779-1845, Ambassador to Paris 1815-1830, later Baron Stuart de Rothesay)]

Autograph Letter Signed in French with translation, from  Baron de GRUETTES  to the Ambassador, saying that "If little gifts keep friendships alive, here are four rather curious pages, it is a letter from Louis XIV to the Queen of Spain, the Widow of Charles II", with the original printed letter, in French with translation, in which Louis XIV accepts the late King of Spain's will leaving the throne to Philip, Duke of Anjou, Louis' grandson, confirming that Philip renounces all rights to the French throne, and that Louis will "encourage him not to forget his place of birth ... but only in order to maintain eternal peace and perfect understanding with us", 4 sides 4to., on separate leaves, the text dated Fontainebleau, 12th November 1700, the covering letter 1 side 4to., with conjugate blank, Paris, 27th December

Item Date:  1815
Stock No:  12555      £75

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STUART (Lord Dudley Coutts, 1803-1854, advocate of the independence of Poland)

Part Autograph Letter Signed to W. Sandford of Bath, saying "I spoke to Sir Jno. Graham abt the Waterloo" and "the objections to the name ... the Canute would certainly be a good name", with a P.S., "Mr Colquhoun has been sent by Ld Stratford ... all through Turkey in Europe ... to ... report on ... the Greek population" in "Servia, Bosnia, Albania & then all thro' the disturbed district", last 3 sides 8vo., no place, no date, c.

Item Date:  1854
Stock No:  18990      £45

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STUART-WORTLEY-MACKENZIE (James Archibald, 1st Baron Wharncliffe, 1776-1845, Statesman)

Autograph address front to Mr Moltens, London, 27th January

Item Date:  1831
Stock No:  8665      £10

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SUNDERLAND (Charles Spencer, 1674-1722, Statesman, Bibliophile at Althorp, from 1702 3rd Earl), BAILLIE (George), TURNER (Sir Charles, brother-in-law of Sir Robert Walpole, Teller of the Exchequer 1729-1738)

Signatures on portion of a document, as Lords of the Treasury, addressed to George Montagu, Earl of Halifax (d. 1739), Auditor of the Receipt of the Exchequer, ordering a large payment under 5 George I c. 19 (1719), in respect of people who had exchanged anticipated lottery proceeds for South Sea stock, 2 sides 4¼" x 6½" remargined to 6¼" x 7½", 28th March lacks bottom portion of first side, also line ends (easily supplied from title of the Act, see transcription), text on second side appears complete apart from addressee's style, tears in line 5 without loss

Item Date:  1721
Stock No:  51666      £675

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