Sophie Dupré - Political

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PUJOLAS DE LICON (Victor Édouard, of Uzès, b. 1795)

Autograph letter signed, in French with transcription and translation, to Jenny (née Pujolas de Licon, wife of Adrien Rolland), probably his sister, about "the family matter", saying "Yesterday I had a long meeting with the woman and our respective lawyers ... nothing now remains but to complete the formalities and rid them of any unexpected harshness", but "our lawyer has advised me ... for all of us to elect our domicile in Uzès, so that the papers intimating the settlement are not held up", asking her "to write ... a simple letter to Thérésine ... saying that your elect your domicile at her house situated in Uzès, Rue Masbourguet, this will be enough", there will be "no reason to waste further money" or "disagreeable necessity to go and ... dispute with their rabbit-like family ... one has to drain the cup to the dregs, my only hope now is that it will soon be finished ... Eugène has returned to Bellegarde but will be here again on Monday, we will keep you up to date ... I expect Thérésine this month, meanwhile embracing you all with all our heart", addressed on conjugate leaf to her husband at 67 Boulevard des Capucines, Paris, 2 sides 8¼" x 5¼", Uzès, Gard, 27th February small closed tear on opening seal without loss

Item Date:  1850
Stock No:  54226      £125

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PUREFOY (William, circa 1580-1659, Regicide, M.P. for Warwick, President of the Council of State)

Document signed as President "in the name ... of the Councell of State appointed by authority of Parliament", to the Commissioners of the Navy, saying that "Whereas Thomas Hall hath bin by you recommended unto us, both for his affection to the ... present Government, and his ability", they require the Commissioners to enter him as "Boatswayne in the new Frigott now building by Mr. Johnson" (later Sir Henry, d. 1683) "at Deptford for the service of the Commonwealth", with the usual "wages and dyett for himselfe & servant ... in a Frigott of her rate and Quality", signed also by 'Jo: Thurloe Cler[ke] of the Councell', papered seal of the Council of State bearing the Commonwealth arms (St George's Cross and the Irish Harp), 1 side 11¾" x 7¼", summary on conjugate leaf, Whitehall, 5th September

Item Date:  1652
Stock No:  54098      £1275

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