Sophie Dupré - Political

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PEEL (Arthur Wellesley, 1829-1912, Speaker 1884-1895, from 1895 1st Viscount)

Autograph Letter Signed to Samuel Montagu, M.P. with interesting details about the parliamentary "maces now in the Colony of Jamaica", made in the 18th century, "You will remember that the mace to which the 'bauble' tradition attached went down in the earthquake of 1692 (not 72 as in some error is stated in the letter) and that the two maces now in question had never ... any interest of that kind ... your knowledge and experience may enable you even from the imperfect photos to fix the date of their manufacture" and giving details of the date stamps and marks and maker's initials of each, asking him to return the photos [not present] "as they are the only two which I possess", 4 sides 8vo., The Lodge, Sandy, Bedfordshire, 17th October

Item Date:  1890
Stock No:  13077      £75

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PEEL (Arthur Wellesley, 1st Viscount, 1829-1912, Speaker of the House of Commons)

Autograph Letter Signed to Wilson, telling him that he had a terrible journey to Paris and is now in London, on his own, he describes his day in Paris, and his brother's stay there, he talks about a friend's wedding and then says he has "had a letter from Sebastopol. The seamen were dismounting the ships fans & dragging them to their position side by side with the regular seige train. I hope the 'damned spot'... has vanished ..." 4 sides 8vo, United University Club, Tuesday 24th, no date, c.

Item Date:  1855
Stock No:  2550      £35

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PEEL (Sir Robert, 1788-1850, Prime Minister 1834-1835 and 1841-1846, from 1830 2nd Baronet)

Autograph Note Signed to an unnamed correspondent, saying he has "just received the inclosed [not present] from the Prince", Prince ALBERT, (1819-1861, Consort of Queen Victoria), "The Commission may be sent to the Prince for the Queen's signature at an early hour to morrow Morning", 1 side 8vo, no place, no date, circa

Item Date:  1845
Stock No:  56621      £225

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PEEL (Sir Robert, 1788-1850, Prime Minister)

Fine Autograph Letter Signed to an unnamed correspondent saying that he does not "wish to purchase the Dorhill House and property attached ... with regard to the Meadows on the opposite side of the Lane, which would induce me to recommend a departure from the usual Course of conducting business in matters of this nature. I offer a sum for the Meadows which entitles me to expect a written agreement as to the conditions of purchase and a valid Title - and my impressions are the same which I think you entertain - that the usual professional course should be adhered to ...", 4 sides 8vo., Whitehall, 9th March

Item Date:  1848
Stock No:  41673      £275

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PEEL (Sir Robert, 1788-1850, Prime Minister)

Fine Autograph Letter Signed to Sir Henry HARDINGE (1st Viscount, 1785-1856, Army Officer and Politician) saying that he will “be much disposed to suggest to the Duke of Argyle, when he recommends to me Captain Duncan Campbell - that he ought to propose the appointment of a more efficient officer. My brother will mention to you that I approve of your suggestions for enforcing the existing law in respect to all future appointments to Militia Adjutancies - and for imposing some new restriction as to the age of the Adjutant. I doubt a little the Policy of excluding Embodied Militia Service - as a qualification for an Adjutancy, and confiining the appointment to the Line. It might increase the efficiency of the Adjutant, but we must take care not to dissatisfy the Militia Service...”, 2 sides 4to., Whitehall, 20th December

Item Date:  1829
Stock No:  42508      £250

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