Sophie Dupré - Political

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PUREFOY (William, circa 1580-1659, Regicide, M.P. for Warwick, President of the Council of State)

Document signed as President "in the name ... of the Councell of State appointed by authority of Parliament", to the Commissioners of the Navy, saying that "Whereas Thomas Hall hath bin by you recommended unto us, both for his affection to the ... present Government, and his ability", they require the Commissioners to enter him as "Boatswayne in the new Frigott now building by Mr. Johnson" (later Sir Henry, d. 1683) "at Deptford for the service of the Commonwealth", with the usual "wages and dyett for himselfe & servant ... in a Frigott of her rate and Quality", signed also by 'Jo: Thurloe Cler[ke] of the Councell', papered seal of the Council of State bearing the Commonwealth arms (St George's Cross and the Irish Harp), 1 side 11¾" x 7¼", summary on conjugate leaf, Whitehall, 5th September

Item Date:  1652
Stock No:  54098      £1275

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QUINTON (James Wallace, 1834-1891, C.S.I, Chief Commissioner of Assam)

Signature from a document, with an account of his murder at Manipur in the hand of Miss Franklin, daughter of Colonel D.F. Franklin, laid down together with a signature of Hon. H. W. Reynolds,Lieutenant Governor of Bengal,1 side 4to. album leaf, the signature no date, circa

Item Date:  1890
Stock No:  52479      £150

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RADCLYFFE (Francis, 1st Earl of Derwentwater, 1625-1697, of Dilston Castle. Peer)

Clerk Written Document Signed appointing "Dame Mary Longuevile to bee my true & lawfull Attorney ..." to receive an unspecified amount of money which has come "out of ye lands of Katherine Radcliffe my nowe wife formerly named Katherine Lawson by virtue of some proceedings against her for infamy * which by vertue of a Writ ... out of his Maties Court of Exchequer have been ordered to bee ... repaid to her ye said Katherine & I doe hereby authrise ye said Dame Mary Longuevile upon receipt thereof to give an Acquittance for ye same in my name in Witness whereof I have hereunto sett my hand & seale this 26th day of July 1663 in ye 15th year of ye reigne of our Sovereige Lord Kinge Charles ye Seconde ...", witnessed by Ra. Blackeston, John Rowe and Thomas Bradley,1 side folio, no place, 26th July

Item Date:  1663
Stock No:  40049      £475

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RATHMORE (David Robert Plunket, 1838-1919, Irish Lawyer and Politician, 1st Baron)

Autograph Letter in the third person to Sir William Treloar, (1843-1923, Lord Mayor), accepting an invitation for 13th March, 1 side 8vo., The Oaks, Wimbledon Common, S.W., 21st February

Item Date:  1907
Stock No:  18815      £35

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RATHMORE (David Robert Plunket, 1838-1919, Irish Lawyer and Politician, from 1895 1st Baron)

Autograph Letter in the third person to Sir William Treloar, ( 1843-1923, Lord Mayor), greatly regretting he cannot now accept for 13th March, 1 side 8vo., The Oaks, Wimbledon Common, S.W., 12th March

Item Date:  1907
Stock No:  18816      £35

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