Sophie Dupré - Political

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SLOAN (Thomas Henry, 1870-1941, Independent Unionist M.P. for Belfast South, 1902-1910)

Autograph letter signed to the  Rev. E. Lloyd Morris,  (Minister of Hutchesontown Congregational Church, now the Lloyd Morris Memorial Church, Glasgow), regretting that "it is absolutely out of the question for me to be with you on Sunday next - I am afraid that the amount of work carried out by me for the past six months has completely knocked me up and I cannot see any possibility of resuming my Parliamentary duties on 18th inst ... the fact is I cannot help it", 2 sides 8vo., House of Commons Library, 13th October

Item Date:  1907
Stock No:  54275      £125

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SMIDT (Johann, 1773-1857, from 1821 Bürgermeister of Bremen, Founder, 1827, of Bremerhaven)

Finely penned document signed as President of the Senate, in German with transcription and translation, to Ramón Castilla, (1797-1867, Provisional President of Peru, President 1845-1851 & 14th July 1855-1862), thanking him for his letter of 7th January 1855 saying he "had been appointed as Provisional President of the Republic of Peru", and for "the friendly sentiments that Your Excellency nurtures towards Our Free State", congratulating him and indulging "in the gratifying hope, that the friendly relations which till now have so happily and unvaryingly existed between both States to our mutual advantage and welfare, will continue and develop under Your Excellency's auspices", signed also 'Breuls' by the Secretary of the Senate, 2 sides 12¼" x 7¾" and conjugate blank, Bremen, 2nd April small defect in blank inner margin

Item Date:  1855
Stock No:  52394      £175

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SMILLIE (Robert, 1857-1940, M.P., President of the Miners' Federation of Great Britain, 1912-1921)

Autograph Letter Signed to W.K. Russell, arranging to meet at the Westminster Palace Hotel, 1 side folio, 29 Miller Street, Larkhall, Scotland, 13th August

Item Date:  1915
Stock No:  50613      £35

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SMITH (William Henry, 1825-1891, Founder of the Railway Book Stores and Statesman, MP and First Lord of the Admiralty)

The top half of an Autograph Letter Signed to Sir N. Armstrong saying that "A formal invitation will be immediately given ... attached to this Office be or be not sufficient, I cannot refrain from saying that I believe the intention ... in addition believe me, Yours very faithfully, W. H. Smith", half of 3 sides 8vo., Admiralty headed paper, 31st March

Item Date:  1879
Stock No:  41324      £45

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SMUTS (Jan C., 1870-1950, South African Prime Minister, Field Marshal)

Photo of his fine crayon portrait, from a magazine, showing him head and shoulders, full face, laid down over the lower part of the portrait is his signature and inscription, 7¾" x 6", date pencilled below 18th October

Item Date:  1929
Stock No:  52213      £45

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