Sophie Dupré - Political

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WALPOLE (Spencer Horatio, 1806-1898, F.R.S., Chairman of the GWR, Home Secretary)

Autograph envelope signed, to J. Winter Jones at the British Museum, London, 13th April

Item Date:  1876
Stock No:  51068      £15

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WALPOLE (Spencer, 1806-1898, M.P. for Cambridge, Home Secretary)

Autograph Letter in the third person to Dr George Phillips, 1804-1892, Vice-Chancellor of Cambridge, accepting for dinner on 9th June (to meet the new Chancellor, the Duke of Devonshire), with autograph envelope front, 2 sides 8vo., 9 Grafton Street, London, 22nd May

Item Date:  1862
Stock No:  50076      £25

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WALPOLE (Robert, 2nd Earl of Orford, d. 1751, Government Official, Son of Sir Robert)

Fine signature on end of document, 25th September

Item Date:  1748
Stock No:  8825      £20

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WALPOLE (Sir Robert, Earl of Orford, 1676-1745, Prime Minister)

Fine signature from end of a document with a few words of text "your warrant Given at his Majesty' ... June 1736 in the tenth year ... By her Majesty's Command ...", 4" x 3", no place, June

Item Date:  1736
Stock No:  41443      £100

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WALPOLE (Sir Robert, 1st Earl of Orford, 1676-1745, 1st British Prime Minister)

Fine Document signed addressed to the Pay Office of the Horse Guards listing “the following Sumes being necessary for the Subsistence of His Majesty’s Forces as hereafter mention’d, I humbly move your Lo[rdships] to direct Moneys to answer the same viz: In part of £567,070.s.4 Voted for Guards, Garrisons etc Anno 1721. For Two Months Subsistence to the forces provided for in this Sume, Commencing the 24th of this Instant February, and ending the 24th of April 1721, £72,107.1.5....” and it continues to list other sums comign to a total of £178,339.16.0 “Which Sums yo[ur] Lo[rdships] were pleas’d to Order me to raise out of the Tallys and Orders on Malt 1720 in my hands, and which I humbly move your Lo[rdships] to replace out of the Supply granted by Parliament for the Service of the year 1721...”, 1 side folio with notation on fourth side, no place, 14th February

Item Date:  0
Stock No:  41943      £775

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