Sophie Dupré - Political

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BUTHELEZI (Dr. Mangosuthu Gatsha, b. 1928, President of Inkata Freedom Party in S. Africa, from 1953 Chief of the Buthulezi, Chief Minister of KwaZulu 1976-1994, from 1994 Minister of Home Affairs in SA Government of National Unity)

Christmas card signed, under the printed message of greeting with a lino cut design of shepherds on the front, 6" x 4" in folded card, Kwa-Phindnagene, South Africa, no date, c.

Item Date:  1985
Stock No:  19380      £95

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BUTHELEZI (Dr. Mangosuthu Gatsha, b. 1928, President of Inkata Freedom Party in S. Africa, from 1953 Chief of the Buthulezi, Chief Minister of KwaZulu 1976-1994, from 1994 Minister of Home Affairs in SA Government of National Unity)

Christmas card signed, under the printed message of greeting with a lino cut design of the Nativity on the front, 6" x 4" in folded card, Kwa-Phindnagene, South Africa, no date, c.

Item Date:  1986
Stock No:  24043      £95

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BUTLER (Sir Nevile Montagu, 1893-1973, Diplomat)

Typed Letter Signed to Colonel T.C. Moore, M.P., thanking him on behalf of Ramsay Macdonald for his "very kind invitation to meet Count Bethlen", Prime Minister of Hungary 1921-1931, but regretting that engagements make it impossible, Royal coat of arms with 'Prime Minister', 1 side 4to., 10 Downing Street, Whitehall, 23rd November one or two faint marks

Item Date:  1933
Stock No:  16844      £20

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BUTLER (Lord Richard Austen, 1902-1983, Politician, Educational Reformer)

Fine signature from an Autograph Letter Signed

Item Date:  0
Stock No:  20594      £15

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BÜLOW (Bernhard Heinrich von, 1849-1929, Chancellor of Germany, 1900-1909, from 1899 Count, from 1905 Prince)

Finely written Letter Signed, in German with translation, to 'Herr Doktor', (Dr Maurice Ernst, later Ernest, 1872-1955, London correspondent of the Neues Wiener Tagblatt), thanking him for "your translation of Balfour's address 'Our View of the World Today' ... a valuable scholarly gift [not present]" with both "a personal interest for the German circle of readers ... a glimpse of the character of the Statesman, who at the present time stands at the peak of Government in England", and "a desirable opportunity to observe, how a leading Minister is engaged in his leisure hours with the deepest problems of knowledge", 2 sides 10½" x 8¼", Berlin, 31st December corners trimmed diagonally barely touching date and catchword

Item Date:  1904
Stock No:  53916      £275

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