Sophie Dupré - Political

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WALPOLE (Sir Robert, 1st Earl of Orford, 1676-1745, 1st British Prime Minister)

Fine Document signed addressed to the Pay Office of the Horse Guards listing “the following Sumes being necessary for the Subsistence of His Majesty’s Forces as hereafter mention’d, I humbly move your Lo[rdships] to direct Moneys to answer the same viz: In part of £567,070.s.4 Voted for Guards, Garrisons etc Anno 1721. For Two Months Subsistence to the forces provided for in this Sume, Commencing the 24th of this Instant February, and ending the 24th of April 1721, £72,107.1.5....” and it continues to list other sums comign to a total of £178,339.16.0 “Which Sums yo[ur] Lo[rdships] were pleas’d to Order me to raise out of the Tallys and Orders on Malt 1720 in my hands, and which I humbly move your Lo[rdships] to replace out of the Supply granted by Parliament for the Service of the year 1721...”, 1 side folio with notation on fourth side, no place, 14th February

Item Date:  0
Stock No:  41943      £775

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WALPOLE (Sir Robert, 1st Earl of Orford, 1676-1745, 1st British Prime Minister), Thomas (‘Penny’) WINNINGTON (1696-1746, Politician, served at the Treasury from 1736) and Giles EARLE (circa 1678-1758, Lord of the Treasury, Colonel and M.P., Chairman of Committees of Elections 1727-1741, wit and boon companion of Walpole)

Fine Document signed by all three Commissioners, addressed to the Lords Commissioners of the Treasury ordering that “you deliver and pay of such His Majesties Treasure as remains in your charge unto Sir Robert Walpole Knight of the most noble Order of the Garter, George Dodington Esq, William Lord Sundon and Giles Earle Esq Commissioners for executing the Office of Treasurer of His Majesties Exchequer or their Assigns the sum of two thousand pounds without account for one quarter of a year due at Michaelmas 1737 on their Salary of eight thousand pounds a year and these together with their or their Assigns acquittance shall be your discharge therein...”, with a note ordering Sir Charles Turner to pay the Order, with the receipt signed by all three on the verso, witnessed by John Shepherd, no place, 3rd October

Item Date:  1737
Stock No:  42455      £575

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WALSINGHAM (Sir Thomas, 1561-1630, of Scadbury, Chislehurst, Courtier to Queen Elizabeth I and literary patron to Christopher Marlowe and other poets)

Extremely Rare Letter Signed 'Thos Walsingham', at the foot of an Autograph Letter by Sir John Scott of Kent, being a Kentish Muster addressed to Sir William TWYSDEN (1566-1639, 1st Baronet, Politician), requiring Twysden to have his company in full effect, that it "may be fitt to appeare before the muster maister at Cockesheath, uppon the fivetenth day of October, by eight of the clock in the morning ...", the text almost certainly in the hand of Sir John Scott, signed by Scott, Walsingham and John Levyt, 1 side folio with integral autograph address leaf with remnant of a small seal, no place, 28th July

Item Date:  1608
Stock No:  41602      £2750

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[WAVERLEY (Ava, née Bodley, 1896-1974, wife, first of Ralph Follet Wigram and secondly of Cabinet Minister Sir John Anderson, Political and Society Hostess)]

Beautiful Portrait Photograph by Dorothy Wilding, showing her seated nearly full length in profile, turned three quarter face to the viewer, with a charming expression, in her robes for the Coronation of Elizabeth II, showing her coronet of (16) silver balls, the 2 stripes of ermine and 2½ inches of bordering on her left sleeve as a Viscountess, no place, no date but

Item Date:  1953
Stock No:  56775      £175

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WEBB (Sidney, Lord Passfield, 1859-1947, Social Reformer, Fabian)

Autograph Letter Signed to Levy, telling him that E. R. Seligman has written from Austria "saying that he would much like to read some of the papers in the recently issued vol 2 of the transactions of the Political Economy Circle of the N.L.C. ... He thinks one may have been sent already to America ..." but wants another, 2 sides 8vo., 41 Grosvenor Road, Westminster Embankment, 23rd July

Item Date:  1896
Stock No:  3635      £35

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