Sophie Dupré - Political

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SALISBURY (Robert Arthur Talbot Gascoyne Cecil, 1830-1903, 3rd Marquess, Prime Minister & Foreign Secretary)

Autograph Letter Signed marked ‘Private’ to ‘my dear NELSON (Horatio, 3rd Earl, 1823-1913, Politician) thanking him for his “paper. Why don’t you bring in a bill. I am very anxious that any one who has ideas with reference to the improvement of th House of Lords should put them into a definite Shape, in which we can examine them. The proposition that a certain reform is necessary is one suitable for consideration. There is no initial objection to it. But the proposition that the House is bad and needs reforming somehow is a very different one - & could not be adopted in the form of a resolution or a motion for Committee without giving a dangerous foothold to the enemy...”, 3 sides 8vo., Foreign Office headed paper, 16th February

Item Date:  1888
Stock No:  42529      £125

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SAMUEL (Sir Harry S., 1853-1934, M.P. in Tower Hamlets and in Lambeth)

Autograph Letter Signed to the barrister and magistrate John Gilbert Hay Halkett, 1863-1937, saying he will "make careful enquiries as to the fact of there being no Conservatives on the Tower Hamlets Bench" except Loftus, he lists the magistrates "in my part of the Tower Hamlets ... all Radicals, Mills will I think support me, on personal grounds. I will send you trustworthy data for your letter", 4 sides 8vo., 89 Cadogan Place, 3rd December n.y., c.

Item Date:  1900
Stock No:  50579      £20

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SANDERSON (Sir Thomas Henry, 1841-1923, Permanent Under Secretary at the Foreign Office, from 1905 1st Baron)

Autograph Letter Signed in the third person to Sir William Treloar, Lord Mayor, accepting for the 28th "to meet the Earl of Cromer", 1 side 8vo., 65 Wimpole Street, 19th October

Item Date:  1907
Stock No:  50582      £15

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SANDERSON (Sir Thomas H., 1841-1923, Permanent Under-Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs, 1st Baron)

Autograph Letter Signed to Sir Paul Vinogradoff, 1854-1925, the Russian-born legal historian, saying that "the big man with short grey whiskers who sat next to me at King's College ... was I think the Hon. Richard Parsons ... brother of the ... developer of the Turbine ... I would be very grateful for a copy" of Vinogradoff's lecture "to study ... I thought the audience were going to encore you - and that ... I should interpose for your preservation ... Lord Kitchener was a personal friend of many years and I could not trust my voice for a concluding sentence", 4 sides 8vo., 65 Wimpole Street, W., 9th June

Item Date:  1916
Stock No:  19205      £35

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SANDERSON (Sir Thomas Henry, 1841-1923, Permanent Under Secretary at the Foreign Office, from 1905 1st Baron)

Autograph Letter Signed to W. Sandford of Bath, explaining that it is not in Lord Stanley's power "to interfere with the appointment of the Commanding Officer on the American Station", 2 sides 8vo., Foreign Office, 11th October

Item Date:  1866
Stock No:  50581      £25

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