Sophie Dupré - Political

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CRAIG (Sir James Gibson, 1765-1850, Politician)

Long Autograph Letter Signed marked 'Private' to Mark, enclosing "testimonials in favour of Mr Wright ... He is I believe very deserving & what is rare - right in his Politics ... I heard lately Sir Jas Wright had got a pension from Govt of £200 p.a. - I did not believe it ... there is not a greater swindler or fellow who better deserves hanging in the Kingdom - He utterly ruined an old gentleman ..." and he lists his other crimes "He was obliged to decamp to America when the expos‚ took place ...", 7 sides 8vo., Edinburgh, 2nd February

Item Date:  1837
Stock No:  5793      £35

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CRAIK (Sir Henry, M.P., 1846-1927, 1st Bart., Scottish Educationist)

Autograph Letter Signed to the barrister and magistrate J.G. Hay Halkett, 1863-1937, saying he understands that "yesterday you got a list of the Perthshire Educational Endowments ... so that you might see particulars of the bursaries which the Governors have it in their power to offer. I fear ... that you will find it difficult to get more information than these will give you", 2 sides 8vo, embossed heading of Scotch Education Department, Dover House, Whitehall, 4th July

Item Date:  1900
Stock No:  16955      £15

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CRAIK (Sir Henry, 1846-1927, M.P., Man of Letters)

Autograph Letter Signed to Lady Lockyer, refusing an invitation as he has "to preside at a dinner of Aberdeen graduates ...", 2 sides 8vo., 5a Dean's Yard, Westminster, 12th November

Item Date:  1906
Stock No:  5794      £10

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CRANBROOK (Gathorne Gathorne-Hardy, 1st Earl, 1814-1906, Cabinet Minister)

Autograph Letter Signed 'Cranbrook' as President of the Privy Council, to Mr Leighton, telling him that "the case of Oswestry shall be duly considered" by the Agricultural Committee, embossed heading of the Privy Council Office, 14th August

Item Date:  1888
Stock No:  12341      £30

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CRANBROOK (Gathorne Gathorne-Hardy, 1814-1906, Cabinet Minister, from 1878 Viscount Cranbrook, from 1892 1st Earl of)

Autograph Letter Signed to Lord Basing, saying "You will have seen the proposal to change 'Albert' to 'Gresham' in the name of the proposed teaching University ... If you and Lord Selborne assent there will be no occasion for a formal summons of the Committee ... Gresham College will find a habitation as well ... and attract the good will of the City with good pecuniary consequences ... As we have not laid the Charter on the tables of the Houses we are in a position to amend", 4 sides 8vo., Privy Council Office, 10th February a little light rusting

Item Date:  1892
Stock No:  19629      £75

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