Sophie Dupré - Political

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Autograph letter signed to Henry H. Caird, saying that "April would be the most convenient time ... to serve as a selected Member on a Private Bill Committee", 1 side 8vo, 19 Great Cumberland Street, 14th January spike hole without loss, bottom left corner defective touching sender's initials (not signature), browned on bottom edge

Item Date:  1846
Stock No:  52907      £20

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BRUCE (Hon. Thomas Charles, 1825-1890, M.P. for Portsmouth and Railway Director)

Autograph Letter Signed to 'My dear Sir', explaining that up to 1832, "merchant seamen were required to pay 6d a day towards the funds of Greenwich Hospital", when the Hospital was closed in 1870, "6d a day was allotted to those ... who had contributed ... before 1832", which was reckoned "a full settlement ... - whether equitable or not", the pensions are "paid by the Board of Trade" and do not benefit from increases paid by the Admiralty to the Royal Navy, he adds, "my friends the Turks have been putting themselves & us in a mess - but I think we shall survive", with his colour cartoon portrait by 'Spy', three-quarter length with magnificent whiskers, 13¾" x 8½", Vanity Fair, 29th April 1882, the letter 2 sides 8vo., 42 Hill Street, Berkeley Square, 23rd November

Item Date:  1878
Stock No:  50124      £120

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BRUNHART (Hans, b. 1945, Head of Government of Liechtenstein 1978-1993)

Christmas card signed, under the printed message of greeting with a stamp opposite, 8" x 6" in folded card with crest on the front, no place, no date, c.

Item Date:  1985
Stock No:  19371      £75

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BRUNNOW (Count Philipp Ivanovich, 1797-1875, German-born Russian Ambassador to London before and after the Crimean War)

Autograph Letter Signed in French, with translation, to 'My dear Ambassador', asking him if he knows Lord Russell's address in Pau, as he needs to send an answer to the letter he showed him "the other day", enclosing his draft for comments, he adds that "In due deference to a man beloved of both of us, I take to heart the need to treat his private opinions with great respect ... He is 'at home' where I am a foreigner, in England", 3 sides 8vo., Chesham House, London, 20th March

Item Date:  1872
Stock No:  51539      £75

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BRUNNOW (Count Philipp Ivanovich, 1797-1875, German-born Russian Ambassador to London 1840-1854 and 1858-1875)

Autograph Letter Signed to 'My dear friend', in French with translation, saying that "the dinner to meet the Queen of the Netherlands", Anna Pavlovna (1795-1865, sister of Nicholas I, and wife, 1816, of the Prince of Orange, later Willem II, King, 1840-1849), "is to take place on Monday and not tomorrow Sunday", and asking if he would "come and share our usual roast beef tomorrow Sunday", with a footnote in the hand of and signed by [Monsieur] A. de Berg, Consul General for Russia, certifying that this is an autograph of Brunnow, "Ambassador from Russia to London for 35 years from 1841 until his departure for the Continent. 1st/13th July 1883", the letter 1 side 8vo., no place, 'Saturday' no date, circa (Translation)
My dear friend,
The dinner to meet the Queen of the Netherlands is to take place on Monday and not tomorrow Sunday. Accordingly I hasten to beg you to come and share our usual roast beef tomorrow Sunday. Yours ever Brunnow.
[In the hand of Monsieur A. de Berg]
Ambassador from Russia to London for 35 years from 1841 until his departure for the Continent the 1st/13th July 1883. Certified by A. de Berg, Consul General for Russia.

Item Date:  1845
Stock No:  56308      £85

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