Sophie Dupré - Political

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ROBERTSON (Herbert, 1849-1916, M.P. for South Hackney)

Autograph Note Signed to Mr Moring, asking him "to give the die for the above address to the bearer", 1 side 8vo., embossed address The Cedars, South Hackney, N.E., no date, c.

Item Date:  1895
Stock No:  18790      £15

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ROBINSON (John, 1727-1802, M.P., Secretary of the Treasury 1770-1782)

Autograph Letter Signed to Captain Curry, M.P., to accompany "a letter from Ld. North ... your Attendance wd. not have been requested if it was not on this Bus.s of the Royal family marriage Bill ... it is earnestly wished that you will set off for Town as soon as possible", adding "on your last favor to me ... Ld. Edgcumbe hath seen Ld. North", address leaf with good seal, 2 sides 4to., Downing Street, 27th February slight damage in blank margin of address leaf on opening (mended), address leaf has replaced original conjugate

Item Date:  1772
Stock No:  19340      £150

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ROBSON (Sir William Snowdon, 1852-1918, Lord of Appeal 1910-1912, Life Peer)

LS to H.J. Brooks, thanking "the members of the Canterbury Liberal & Radical Association for their kind congratulations" on becoming Solicitor-General, and wishing their candidate Mr Fisher success at the poll, 2 sides 8vo., Harton Grange, South Shields, 31st December

Item Date:  1905
Stock No:  18800      £15

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[ROCHESTER (Laurence Hyde, 1641-1711, 1st Earl, brother-in-law of James II)]

Engraved portrait after Kneller (reversed left to right), showing him head and shoulders wearing the collar and pendant of the Garter, 6½" x 4", no date, c. light traces of laying down by corners of verso

Item Date:  1770
Stock No:  51772      £45

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ROCHESTER (Laurence Hyde, 1641-1711, 1st Earl, brother-in-law of James II)

Signature as Lord High Treasurer, 1685-1687, and monogrammed seal on the lower portion of a Treasury document, for part-payment to John Hall of £36 out of "the new Imposicion on Tobacco & Sugar, by vertue of his now Ma[jes]t[ie]s L[ett]res of Privy Seale dated the 20th of June 1686", with his fine engraved portrait by Goldar after Sir Godfrey Kneller, engraved surface 11" x 7" in margins 16½" x 9¾", 1785, the document 1 side 8¼" x 3½", Whitehall Treasury Chambers, 7th July lacks upper portion, two tiny defects in blank margin, faint traces of laying down

Item Date:  1686
Stock No:  51771      £275

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