Sophie Dupré - Royalty

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NATALIE (Obrenović, née Keschko, 1859-1941, Queen of Serbia known as 'Natalie of Serbia' from 1882-1889, wife of Milan I)

Central portion of an Autograph Letter in French with translation without a beginning or an end, saying "that he was sick and that for this purpose he wanted to get medical treatment, entrusting the regency to his father, the trouble in the Balkans requiring a man of experience. I, who have never managed to take King Milan's actions very seriously, I simply believe that he needs money and that he came to bore people hoping that he would give some to him so that he goes away. The fact that he borrowed 27 000 francs from the King confirms me even more in this opinion. To excite public opinion and perhaps also in the hope of achieving his goal, he announces to everybody that he will back to Serbia by end of March, something that no one wants. During his entire stay here, he only shouted at me and then suddenly at time of his departure he said that he was ready to make peace with me and it is said that this old metropolitan monkey was in charge for speaking to me in this direction. Being aware of that, I made warn his Eminence that he would abstain from it otherwise he would risk leaving his audience by the window and as courage is a civic virtue little in favor in the godly man and that he must have believed me capable of the thing, he avoided such a dangerous subject during his visit. The Austrian Minister stood completely out of the picture, completely in the shade all this time, but the malicious gossip ...", 4 sides 8vo., on beautifully monogrammed paper with a gilt and red crown above the monogram, no place, no date, small holds along the central fold not much affecting the text

Item Date:  0
Stock No:  40531      £250

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Long Autograph Letter in Persian with an identification in another hand that it relates to the Nawab of Oudh saying that they "went and we met Liyard John Taylor and the son of prince in Holder Matson. Lady Esterkford and Mr Moory were in this ceremony as described in the first paper. This night was the night of dance and songs. In the morning, we were going to go hunting. I told to Liyard to come with us, because I didn't had this experiences. Liyard was busy and he didn't accept my request. Esterkford also told me: staying at home beside the heater is better than go for hunting. At this moment, it was just snowing. John Taylor London came back and he was at the entrance of home, so I cancelled hunting because of the snow. Mr Webster, Mr Moory, the son of Taylor and some other young man went for hunting. They went to the thicket and ambushed and started shooting but suddenly a bullet hit the Moory's eye and he fell. They took him to the house and the house got crowded. Liyard went to take Cantry Thomas Merry and he brought him. The son of prince London came back with a physician from the city of Ridden. He told us take Moory to London and they took him tomorrow to London. Thanks God that we didn't go hunting due to the snow. Otherwise, it might have happened to us and we might be injured or killed. His eye doesn't see very well and his body is much weakened. I guess his sexual organs don't work too. I felt sickness in Holder Matson. I had headache and lots of pain in my body. When I came to London, I had shiver. Yesterday, I took a cathartic. Today I eat Kane-Kane. I feel worse to hearing from my sister. God give us the good child. May God keep you safe and sound and bless you and hope always be under the protection of God. I don't know when you will come back to my city. Send my regards to my sister and kiss your kids. Good bye. Azghandeh ...", 2 sides 8vo., no place, no date

Item Date:  0
Stock No:  41086      £275

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[NEHRU (Jawaharlal, 1889-1964, India's First Prime Minister) and MOUNTBATTEN (Earl Louis of Burma, 1900-1979, Admiral of the Fleet)]

Unsigned Press Photo from Keystone Press annotated on the verso, "Silver Jubilee Convocation at Delhi University,. Earl Mountbatten confers Degree on Pandit Nehru ... Doctor of Letters ...", 8" x 6", Delhi, 13th March

Item Date:  1948
Stock No:  41143      £150

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NICHOLAS (Prince of Greece, 1872-1938, author of 'My Fifty Years') & his wife Grand Duchess HELENA (1882-1957, granddaughter of Alexander II of Russia, mother of Marina, Duchess of Kent)

Cabinet photograph, by Böhringer of Athens, signed and inscribed by both, taken in the year of their wedding but signed 30 years later, showing him three quarter length, in uniform with decorations, standing a little behind his wife, who is seated, half length, in a pretty lace dress with gatherings in the upper arm and a corsage, signed by both, Prince Nicholas has added "sic transit" and his wife, signing in French, "31 years later ! 1902-1933", no place, the photo

Item Date:  1902
Stock No:  52857      £750

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[NICHOLAS (Tsesarevich, 1843-1865, eldest son of Alexander II, died before he could succeed)]

Reproduction of a carte de visite portrait photograph in black and white from circa 1863, showing him full length, full face, eyes to his right, in full dress military uniform, 3½" x 2½", no place, this copy circa

Item Date:  1920
Stock No:  53015      £75

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