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BRAGANÇA (Dom Miguel, 1853-1927, Miguelite pretender, eldest son of Miguel I, 1802-1866, King of Portugal 1828-1834, Duke of)

Autograph Letter Signed in English to the travel writer V.C. Scott O'Connor, 1869-1945, thanking him for his book on Mandalay, and saying that "my brother in law, Duke Charles Theodor of Bavaria and my sister [Maria José] are both going out with me to Ceylon for the winter in the 'Derfflinger' ... from Genoa", he may vary it "by making the trip you spoke about" and perhaps even get to Burma where the book will be invaluable, "We had grand weather up in Scotland" for the marriage of his eldest son Dom Miguel to the American Miss Anita Stewart, at Castle Tulloch, near Dingwall, on 15th September, it is "a pure love match, in spite of what the papers said about the millions of the bride which only exist on paper", she is "very nice and well educated", he ends by hoping they will meet in India or Burma, 2 sides folio, Ryde, Isle of Wight, 22nd September

Item Date:  1909
Stock No:  51529      £125

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BRAGANÇA (Dom Miguel, 1853-1927, Miguelite pretender, eldest son of Miguel I, 1802-1866, King of Portugal 1828-1834, Duke of)

Typed Letter Signed in English to the travel writer  V.C. Scott O'Connor,  (1869-1945), saying "you must have had a very interesting time since 1919 and the different places you mention are mostly old acquaintances for me", he talks of the various posts he held during the war (on the Austrian side), "Commander of southern Dalmatia ... my headquarters were near Ragusa", earlier he was in Russia, then commanded "a Cavallery division in Rumania and in Italy, till the end came. Now my only consolation is, that I did my duty", he talks also of the Austrian Imperial family, and the "tragic misfortune ... of my poor nephew the Emperor Carl", besides his own family losses from the great 'flu epidemic, and one son as prisoner of war, he has still not forgotten meeting Scott O'Connor and "the pleasant days of Brixen", 1 side folio, Seebenstein, Lower Austria, 8th July

Item Date:  1925
Stock No:  51535      £150

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BRAGANÇA (Dom Miguel, 1853-1927, Miguelite pretender, eldest son of Miguel I, 1802-1866, King of Portugal 1828-1834, Duke of)

Typed Letter Signed in English to the travel writer  V.C. Scott O'Connor,  (1869-1945), thanking him for his book ['The Empire Cruise'], so far "the introduction by L.S. Amery is very interesting from the historical point of view, regarding the past as well as the future ... It will always be, with your other books, the pride of my library ... I shall write again when I have finished reading it", 1 side folio, Seebenstein, Lower Austria, 5th January

Item Date:  1926
Stock No:  51536      £95

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BRAGANÇA (Dom Miguel, 1853-1927, Miguelite pretender, eldest son of Miguel I, 1802-1866, King of Portugal 1828-1834, Duke of)

Autograph Letter Signed in English to the travel writer V.C. Scott O'Connor, 1869-1945, saying he has read "of the bomb outrage and am thinking, that you must have been present too. Civilisation seems to be spreading !" he hopes "the Vice Roy will soon recover completely; but what a shock ... for poor Lady Hardinge!", at the end of October he was in the 'Luftbad' ['Air-bath'] for over an hour with about 40 degrees Farenheit and under, without feeling cold, the previous January to May they were at St. Jean de Luz with "our collection of little girls", the Duchess had typhoid for ten weeks in the summer but is recovered completely, "perhaps I shall go, for a few weeks hunting, to England later on", 4 sides 8vo., original envelope addressed to Calcutta and forwarded to Delhi, Seebenstein, Lower Austria, 29th December

Item Date:  1912
Stock No:  51530      £125

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BRISTOL (Frederick William Hervey, 1800-1864, Treasurer of the Household, 1841-1846, from 1858 President of the Camden Society, 2nd Marquess)

AN in the third person on his engraved card to Dr George Phillips, 1804-1892, Vice-Chancellor of Cambridge, accepting for dinner on 9th June (after the conferring of honorary degrees, including his own), with autograph envelope front, postmarked London S.W., 23rd May

Item Date:  1862
Stock No:  50051      £25

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