Sophie Dupré - Royalty

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[EDWARD (1841-1910, King of Great Britain) & ALEXANDRA (of Denmark, 1844-1925, his Queen), and their sons ALBERT VICTOR (1864-1892) and GEORGE V (1865-1936, King of Great Britain)]

Unsigned Carte-de-visite Portrait Photograph by J. Russell & Sons of Chichester, showing the Prince and Princess of Wales seated, full length, full face, Princess Alexandra with long hair, the Prince with his hands on Prince Albert Victor who is standing between his knees, Prince George perched on the arm of his mother's chair, the boys are in matching child's dresses and sash, 4" x 2½", no place, no date, circa

Item Date:  1866
Stock No:  55171      £250

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[EDWARD (1841-1910, King of Great Britain), ALEXANDRA (of Denmark, 1844-1925, his Queen) and their eldest son ALBERT VICTOR (1864-1892, Duke of Clarence)]

Unsigned Carte-de-visite Portrait Photograph, by Vernon Heath of 43 Piccadilly, London, showing him three quarter length, full face, left hand in pocket, behind his wife who is seated, three quarter face with the young baby in a white bonnet and a spray of flowers on her lap, 4" x 2½", no place, no date, circa

Item Date:  1864
Stock No:  54421      £75

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EDWARD (Prince of Saxe-Weimar, 1823-1902, Field-Marshal in the British Army, playfellow of Queen Victoria)

Unsigned Royal cabinet photograph, showing him in an informal group of four, leaning against a flagstaff, on the back they are identified as "Dublin Hospital - Frank, my father, Prince Edward, Darby (A.D.C.)", 8½" x 6½", no date, c.

Item Date:  1890
Stock No:  50970      £100

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EDWARD (Prince of Saxe-Weimar, 1823-1902, Field-Marshal in the British Army, playfellow of Queen Victoria)

Autograph Letter Signed to Mr Chamberlayne thanking him for his letter which he received as “I was leaving Chichester for London. I am very much obliged to you for your kind invitation but regret very much that it will be quite out of my power to come to Cranberry Park. I have only just become Adjutant... and... not leave my Battalion. I only came up to Town on business yesterday evening and am obliged to return this afternoon...”, 2 sides 8vo., Guard’s Club, 10th December

Item Date:  1850
Stock No:  42632      £125

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EDWARD (Prince of Saxe-Weimar, 1823-1902, Field-Marshal in the British Army, playfellow of Queen Victoria)

Autograph Letter Signed to "My dear Duke" saying that he understands that "a vacancy has occurred among the Magistrates of Middlesex by the death of Colonal Leakes and I am further informed that Colonel Stedell's name has been submitted to your Grace as a candidate for the appointment. I have known Colonel Stedell since I have been in command of the Home District, since 1870. He ... is a Gentleman of independent means .. in addition Chairman of the Hornsey Local Board of Health ... His Character in that locality is probably well known to you. My own acquaintance with Colonel Stedell has been through his position as Commanding Officer of the 37th Middlesex R.V. and I must say that chiefly owing to his actions in that capacity, the Corps is one of the best in the Metropolis ...", 3 sides 8vo., Horse Guards, 11th March

Item Date:  1876
Stock No:  41069      £85

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