Sophie Dupré - Royalty

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[GEORGE IV (1762-1830, King of Great Britain)]

Plate from Whittaker's "Ceremonial of the Coronation of his most sacred Majesty King George IV", titled "Ceremonial of the Coronation of King George IV" with text printed in gold on thick paper, bordered with garlands and headed with Prince of Wales feathers, underneath a fine hand coloured aquatint portrait of a page wearing mediaeval costume, 24" x 17" in fine frame 33" x 24", London small marginal tear not affecting the text

Item Date:  1823
Stock No:  24697      £1500

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GEORGE IV (1762-1830, King of Great Britain)

Bulletin on the health of the King just ten days before his death, "The King has passed another good Night and feels himself better", on a small slip of paper, no place, (Windsor), 16th June

Item Date:  1830
Stock No:  26024      £125

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GEORGE IV (1762-1830, King of Great Britain)

Fine signature from the head of a free pardon, with some text on the verso in the form of a warrant for release "Out of Custody", 2 sides 3" x 7¾", Windsor, 20th April lacking lower portion of the document

Item Date:  1827
Stock No:  53785      £125

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GEORGE IV (1762-1830, King of Great Britain)

Autograph Letter, not signed, to Mr Peacock ordering him "immediately upon receipt of this apply ... for permission to go into the King's Gallery to take the measures, which Mr Vullamy requires to have worked in the enclosed sketch ... should be ready against he calls at the Palace tomorrow forenoon to take off the hand of the Dials, previous to your people removing the Dial itself, which it was agreed upon between Mr Farker, Mr Vullamy & me should be done to enable him to see the exact state of the Rods at the back of it, prior to his making a plan of what will be necessary to be done to afford me the benefit of a Similar Dial over the Looking Glass in my wardrobe ...", enclosing an "extract from Mr Vullamy's letter that accompanied the plan ...", 2 sides 4to., no place, no date, paper watermarked

Item Date:  1911
Stock No:  39356      £475

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GEORGE IV (1762-1830, King of Great Britain) & Lord LANSDOWN (Henry Petty-Fitzmaurice, 1780-1863, M.P. for Calne, Chancellor of the Exchequer, Abolitionist, 3rd Marquis)

Fine Remission Document boldly signed at the head as King addressed to the John Pain and William Pitcher saying that “Whereas John Pain was at a Quarter Session of the Peace holden for the County of Norfolk in March last tried and committed of stealing Hay and was sentenced to be imprisoned and kept to hard labour in the Gaol at Swaffham for one year and Whereas William Pitcher was at a Quarter Session of the Peace holden for the said County in January last tried and convicted of being out at night armed for the destruction of Game and was sentenced to be imprisoned eighteen months for the same, We, in consideration of some circumstances humbly represented unto Us in their behalf are graciously pleased to extend Our Grace and Mercy unto them and to Remit unto them such part of their said sentences as remain yet to be undergone and performed...”, countersigned by Lord LANSDOWNE, 2 sides folio, with papered seal, Court at Saint James’s, 19th November

Item Date:  1827
Stock No:  42275      £550

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