Sophie Dupré - Royalty

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GEORGE V (1865-1936, King of England) & Stanley BALDWIN (1867-1947, Prime Minister)

Fine formal letter on behalf of the Prime Minister to the Monarch, with the King's autograph "appd G.R.I." at the head, and at the foot "Stanley Baldwin" saying that he, "with his humble duty to the King respectfully recommends to His Majesty the appointment of the Reverend John Arthur Bowden, Curate of St John the Evangelist, Darlington, to the Vicarage of St. Thomas, Worsborough Dale, vacant by the resignation of the Reverend Frederick Appleton ... Honorary Chaplain to the Forces ...", 1 side 4to., 10 Downing St headed paper with 'Prime Minister' stamp, 2nd August

Item Date:  1926
Stock No:  40713      £375

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GEORGE V (1865-1936, King of Great Britain) & EDWARD VIII (1894-1972, King of England, later the Duke of Windsor)

Fine Document signed by the King at the head and by the Prince of Wales as Grand Master at the foot, nominating Robert Morton DYER (1878-1936, Naval Architect in Glasgow and Hong Kong) "to be a Commander of the Civil Division of Our said Most Excellent Order of the British Empire ...", 1 side large folio with stamped seal at the head, Court at Saint James, 3rd June 1930, together with a typed letter with autograph amendments from F. Barron, Private Secretary at Govenment House in Hong Kong, marked "Highly Confidential" asking him if the honour which the Secretary of State for the Colonies intended to propose him for would be acceptable, 1 side folio., Government House headed paper, Hong Kong, 17th May

Item Date:  1930
Stock No:  39147      £375

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GEORGE V (1865-1936, King of Great Britain)

Fine Autograph Letter Signed as King to "My dear Eddy" (Edward George Villiers Stanley, 17th Earl of Derby, 1865-1948, Soldier, Politician, Diplomat and Racehorse owner, twice Secretary of State for War and Ambassador to France) saying how much "the Queen & I enjoyed our delightful visit to Knowsley. We can't thank you & Alice enough for all your kindness & hospitality. Your party was a charming one & your French friends were so nice and fitted in so well with the others. I congratulate you on the splendid arrangements you made for the comfort of your guests & I know well all the labour they entailed. We had a most comfortable journey yesterday ... I have not yet been able to see the Prime Minister but Stamfordham saw him yesterday & told him from me what Walsh & the other two had said about the decontrol of the mines being delayed for a month or 6 weeks. He said that he could do nothing till Harne came home, in whose hands the matter lay, & that it would cost the country 5 millions a month. I hope you will be able to see him tomorrow & explain matters, those three men are sincere & loyal and one wants to help them in their difficult task if possible ...", 4 sides 8vo., Buckingham Palace headed paper, 22nd March

Item Date:  1921
Stock No:  39186      £1175

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GEORGE V (1865-1936, King of Great Britain)

Exceptional Autograph Letter Signed "your affectionate pupil, George" to his tutor the Rev. J. N. DALTON (John Neale, 1839-1931, Church of England clergyman, Chaplain to Queen Victoria and tutor to Princes George and Albert Victor) hoping that "you are quite well and that you are enjoying yourself very much. Yesterday we arrived at Ostend, it was not at all rough crossing, I was not a bit sick; it is a very funny country and there are some very funny people, yesterday I saw in the market place a great carriage with three horses and some people dressed in very funny costumes, playing a band on the top and a woman dressed like a Princess in older days and she drives about the market place like this every day and she makes a speech to the crowd and takes one of them and pulls out some of his teeth. Dear Eddy is better I am glad to say, but I am afraid to say it will be some time before he is well again. With very much love ...", 3 sides 8vo., Royal Yacht Osborne headed paper, 15th August 1877, together with an original photograph of Dalton by E. H. Harrell, Clevedon, showing him three quarters length, seated with his arm on the carved arm of the chair, 6" x 4¼", no place, no date, the letter

Item Date:  1877
Stock No:  39236      £1075

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GEORGE V (1819-1901, Queen of Great Britain)]

Exceptional Silk Programme of the State Performance at the Royal Opera House, "In Honour of the Coronatio of King George the Fifth and Queen Mary" the programme starts with 'God Save the King' and then has excerpts from 'Aida', 'Romeo et Juliette', 'Il Barbiere di Siviglia' and 'Le Pavillon d'Armide' performed by various of the eminent artists of the day including Kirby LUNN (1873-1930 Contrlo), Dame Nellie MELBA (1861-1931, Australian Soprano), Mme TETRAZZINI (Luisa, 1871-1940, Italian Soprano), John McCORMACK(1884-1945, Irish Tenor) and many others, the border is decorated in gold, red and blue with images of the King and Quen in profile at the head with the Royal crest at the head and their intwined initials at the bottom and the whole is fringed, 16½" x 10½", Covent Garden, 26th June the centre fold is worn but generally the condition is good

Item Date:  1911
Stock No:  39026      £575

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