Sophie Dupré - Royalty

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Decorative Ticket for the Gala at the Opéra, printed in the Russian colours of black and gold, against a semée of the Imperial arms, with facsimile signatures of Raoul Cassirer, President of the Committee, Henry Simond and Arthur Mayer, and made out to M. Thomas, with a note saying that "evening dress is de rigueur", 1 side 4½" x 6¾", (Paris), 21st October lacking a small piece out of the top edge

Item Date:  1893
Stock No:  51459      £50

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COMTE D'ALBANIE (Charles Manning Allen, 1802-1880, Imposter claiming descent from Bonnie Prince Charlie)

Autograph letter Signed "Charles-Edward Stuart Comte d'Albanie" to "My dear Lady Arthur" telling her he "arrived here safe last evening! having much enjoyed the time I spent with you, as I always do. It recalls so much of the past, and happiest days of my life ...", 1 sides 8vo., on mourning paper, 52 Stanley Street, Belgravia, 9th September

Item Date:  1878
Stock No:  41581      £225

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[CONSTANTINE (1829-1892, Grand Duke, son of Nicholas I of Russia) & his son NICHOLAS (Grand Duke, 1850-1918, killed by the Bolsheviks at Tashkent)

Fine unsigned carte de visite by Verry, showing them together, the son is wearing a sailor suit and leaning against his father's knee, 4" x 2½", no place, no date, circa

Item Date:  1858
Stock No:  36357      £175

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[CONSTANTINE (Grand Duke, 1827-1892, 2nd son of Nicholas I of Russia, General Admiral of the Russian Navy)]

Fine unsigned Russian postcard photo showing him half length in uniform, 5½" x 3½", no place, no date

Item Date:  0
Stock No:  28203      £225

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[CONSTANTINE I (1868-1923, King of Greece, husband of Princess Sophia, 1870-1932, daughter of Friedrich III of Germany)]

Fine Unsigned Portrait Photograph, showing him as a young man, full length, nearly three quarter face, in military uniform including white sash and trousers, holding his plumed cap in his right hand, with his left on his sword, 7¼" x 5", no place, dated in pencil on the verso 13th January

Item Date:  1888
Stock No:  55508      £225

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