Sophie Dupré - Royalty

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FRANCIS (1st Duke of Teck, 1837-1900, father of Queen Mary)

Autograph Letter Signed to Sir James Linton, (1840-1916, 1st President of the Royal Institute of Painters in Watercolours), explaining that he leaves "here on my return to England on Monday next, to meet Princess Mary at Easton" (in Suffolk, the Duchess of Hamilton's), so "cannot accept yr. kind invitation to visit the Exhibition on Tuesday the 27th", but trusts "to ... do so later on", embossed crowned 'FT', 2 sides 8vo black edged, Royal Palace, Stuttgart, 23rd October

Item Date:  1891
Stock No:  54004      £125

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FRANCIS (Duke of Teck, 1837-1900, father of Queen Mary)

Christmas card with autograph note signed, to Sir Dominic Colnaghi, (1834-1908, Consul General in Florence 1872-1896), sending "heartfelt good wishes & thanks for your kind remembrance of me from Yr. sincerely attached Teck", with a finely blind embossed rococo design and shaped edges, surrounding a black and white toned picture of a lake with pine trees, no place, 30th December

Item Date:  1894
Stock No:  51425      £75

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FRANCIS I STEPHEN (1708-1765, Duke of Lorraine, 1729-1737, husband, 1736, of Maria Theresia of Austria, from 1737 Grand Duke of Tuscany and from 1745 Holy Roman Emperor)

Autograph Note Signed 'Francois' in his somewhat phonetic French, with transcription and translation, to an unnamed minister or secretary, saying "Send me these 2 letters when you have read them. It [sic] contains nothing of much interest beyond the lack of forage", 1 side folio, no place, no date, circa (Transcription)
renvoye moy ces: 2: letre quant vous les ave lu elle ne contient rien de fort enteresan que le manque de fourage je suis francois.
Send me back these 2 letters when you have read them. It [sic] contains nothing of much interest beyond the lack of forage. I am Francis

Item Date:  1735
Stock No:  56298      £375

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FRANCIS I STEPHEN (1708-1765, Duke of Lorraine, 1729-1737, husband, 1736, of Maria Theresia of Austria, from 1737 Grand Duke of Tuscany and from 1745 Holy Roman Emperor)

Autograph Note Signed 'Francois' in his somewhat phonetic French, with transcription and translation, to an unnamed minister or secretary, saying "I want you to come and see me as soon as possible", 1 side folio, no place, no date, circa (Transcription)
je souet que vous vous randie dabore le plus tos posible chemoy vouslan vous porte francois.
I want you to come and see me as soon as possible. Wishing you well [?]. Francis.

Item Date:  1735
Stock No:  56299      £375

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FRANCIS II (of the Two Sicilies, 1836-1894, King of the Two Sicilies and last Bourbon King of Naples)

Vintage Albumen Carte de Visite Photo by Fratelli D’Alessandri signed on the verso, showing him full length in uniform, standing by a wall, 4” x 2½”, no place, no date, circa

Item Date:  0
Stock No:  42798      £275

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