Sophie Dupré - Royalty

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GEORGE III (1738-1820, King of Great Britain) & Thomas PELHAM (2nd Earl of Chicester, 1756-1826, Whig Politician, Home Secretary)

Fine Document signed at the head appointing “Our Trusty and Wellbeloved Major Thoam Inglis on half pay of our One Hundred and Twenty Sixth Regiment of Foot... to be Lieutenant Colonel...”, countersigned by Pelham at the foot, 1 side oblong folio on vellum with papered seal and revenue stamp, Court at St James’s, 29th April

Item Date:  1802
Stock No:  42584      £575

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GEORGE III (1738-1820, King of Great Britain)

Engraved Portrait from a Deed, with Royal Arms below including Hanover, vellum, approx. 5" x 5", date in pencil on verso 24th March

Item Date:  1761
Stock No:  19768      £75

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GEORGE III (1738-1820, King of Great Britain)

Exemplification of the Common Recovery with fine initial letter portrait of the King at the head, with double voucher, before Sir John Eardley WILMOT, 1709-1792, Chief Justice of the Common Pleas 1766-1771, of 2 dwellings, 1 granary, 3 gardens and 100 acres in the parish of Titchfield, Hants, owned by tenant in tail John Paffard, fine engraved portrait 8" x 7¼" of George III, elaborately engraved border on three sides of the document, the vignettes include Neptune ruling the waves and Hercules slaying the Hydra, vellum, 27¼" x 35¾", Westminster, 14th June lacks seal, a little creased in some folds

Item Date:  1769
Stock No:  17632      £225

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[GEORGE III (1738-1820, King of Great Britain) and his Queen CHARLOTTE (1744-1818, née Princess of Mecklenburg-Strelitz)]

'An Exact Representation of the Coronation ... at Westminster' and of 'The Coronation Dinner in Westminster Hall', 2 hand-coloured woodcuts, copied from the illustrations in The Universal Magazine for October and November 1761, the first, taken as the Archbishop of Canterbury places the Crown on the King's head, is lettered with explanations of the crowded scene, including at (h) 'The Dukes of Normandie and Acquitain and other great officers', the second, similarly explained, shows the King's Champion, flanked by the Earl Marshal and Lord High Constable, riding up the centre between the long tables, watched by the diners and the others present in the galleries, printed within a 'Greek Key' border, both referring to 22nd September 1761, laid down on two separate album leaves 10" x 7¾", with other items on the versos, the two prints no date, circa edges worn and border trimmed in places without loss to text or image

Item Date:  1820
Stock No:  56023      £375

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GEORGE III (1738-1820, King of Great Britain)

Fine document signed at the head, printed with manuscript details, appointing Richard Ward to be "Captain of Dragoons in Our Army", countersigned by "Dunk HALIFAX" (George Montague-Dunk, 1716-1771, 2nd Earl of Halifax, uncle of Lord North), as a Secretary of State, and by the Hon. Robert WALPOLE (d. 1810, Clerk of the Privy Council, Ambassador to Portugal), for the War office, vellum, 1 side oblong folio with papered seal and revenue stamp, Court at St James's, 17th November

Item Date:  1762
Stock No:  51577      £750

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