Sophie Dupré - Royalty

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CARL XV (1826-1872, King of Sweden and Norway from 1859)

Fine Letter in Latin with translation, signed 'Carolus', as Regent since 25th September 1857 on behalf of his father  OSCAR I  (1799-1859, from 1844 King of Sweden and Norway), "who is ill", to King FERDINAND II of the Two Sicilies, (1810-1859, reigned from 1830), saying "We Oscar, by the Grace of God King of the Swedes, Norwegians, Goths and Vandals, to the Most Serene and Potent Prince, Brother, Cousin and Friend Our Most Dear Ferdinand II, by the same Grace, King of the Two Sicilies and Jerusalem, etc., Duke of Parma, Piacenza, Castro ... Hereditary Grand Duke of Etruria ... [wish] Greeting and Prosperity ... By your kind letter of the XVth of November of the year past, Your Majesty conveyed to Us the sad news that it had pleased Almighty God in His inscrutable will to call Your Majesty's most beloved Sister, Princess MARIA AMALIA", (1818-1857), "wife of Infante Sebastian Gabriel of Spain, from this earthly life to the heavenly seats. We sincerely share Your Majesty's profound sorrow ... and strongly wishing that all such occasions of disaster may remain long removed from Your Royal Majesty's House, we heartily commend Your Majesty to Almighty God", 1 side folio with conjugate blank, Stockholm Castle, 8th January

Item Date:  1858
Stock No:  11966      £275

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CARL XVI GUSTAF (b. 1946, King of Sweden from 1973)

Unsigned Portrait Postcard Photo, as Crown Prince, showing him standing, nearly three quarter length, full face, in white tie and black tails, 5½" x 3½", no place, dated in the image

Item Date:  1953
Stock No:  56065      £55

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CARL XVI GUSTAF (b. 1946, King of Sweden from 1973)

Unsigned Portrait Postcard Photo, as Crown Prince, showing him head and shoulders, three quarter face, in white shirt and tie, 5½" x 3½", no place, dated in the image

Item Date:  1955
Stock No:  56066      £55

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[CARLO II LODOVICO (1799-1883, King of Etruria 1803-1807, Duke of Lucca 1824-1847, Duke of Parma 1847-1849)]

Permit, in Italian with translation, to carry a hunting rifle, signed in the Duke's name by C. Orsucci, President of Good Government, with the Duke's Arms at the head, made out for Antonio Bacei of Corsagna, and valid for the current year except from 1st April to the 15th August, though he may continue to shoot in marshes, uncultivated land, and lakes except Lake Massaciuccoli (totally forbidden) till the 1st of May, printed in attractive type within a border of type ornaments, signed also by Secretary General Giovanni Manfredi, 1 side folio, Lucca, 20th January

Item Date:  1834
Stock No:  51489      £125

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[CARLOS I (1863-1908, from 1889 King of Portugal, assassinated in 1908) and AMELIA (1864-1951, daughter of Prince Louis Philippe, Count of Paris, his Queen)]

Finely printed menu of the Déjeuner at Guildhall on their visit to the City, the Rt. Hon. John Pound, Lord Mayor, beginning with the traditional turtle soup and many game and meat dishes, listing the Toasts, the programme by the Band of the Royal Artillery, and the names of the Committee, gold embossed arms of the City, 7 sides card 8½" x 4¾", with loose in a folder bearing the arms of the City and of Portugal, the arrangements for welcoming the Prince and Princess of Wales (George V and Queen Mary) to meet the King and Queen of Portugal, decorative border with the City's arms at each corner, 1 side 16½" x 10½", and the astonishing seating plan (seat numbers only), with 94 places at the Lord Mayor's table arranged in a horsehoe, in all 815 places, made out to C.F.J. Jennings,Esq., 1 side 12½" x 19¾", together 4 pieces, 17th November

Item Date:  1904
Stock No:  53251      £75

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