Sophie Dupré - Royalty

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HAAKON VII (1872-1957, from 1905 King of Norway)

Finely penned document signed, in French with translation, to the President of Peru, (Augusto Bernardino Leguía, 1864-1932, President 1908-1912 & 1919-1930), thanking him for his letter informing him that he has been re-elected President, congratulating him and assuring him that the King "will strive equally to strengthen the ties of sincere friendship which so happily exist between Norway and Peru", signed also by Lars Oftedel, Minister for Social Affairs, 1924-1926, 2 sides 13¼" x 8½" and conjugate blank, The Palace, Kristiania (Oslo), 10th September two neat filing holes in blank margin

Item Date:  1925
Stock No:  52377      £275

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HAAKON VII (1872-1957, from 1905 King of Norway)

Finely typed document signed, in French with translation, to the President of Peru, (General Oscar Raimundo Benavides, 1876-1946, President 1914-1915 & 1933-1939), saying that the King has "thought fit to bring to an end the mission which Herr Carl Ferdinand Sandberg has fulfilled with You as My Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary", trusting that "Herr Sandberg will have been able to earn in the course of his functions Your Excellency's approval, as he has earned Mine", signed also by Halvdan Koht, (1873-1965, Foreign Minister 1935-1941), 1 side 13½" x 8¼", Royal Palace, Oslo, 22nd November two neat filing holes in blank margin

Item Date:  1935
Stock No:  52378      £300

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[HAAKON VII (Prince Christian Charles, 1872-1957, 1st King of Norway on its independence from Sweden) & his wife Princess MAUD (Charlotte Mary Victoria, 1869-1938, Daughter of Edward VII, Queen of Norway) and their son Olav (1903-1991), ]

Fine unsigned postcard photo, shows the family in three separate ovals, the King and Queen next to each other with a much smaller oval in the middle of the two, showing the young Olav wearing a sailor suit, on a white background, 5½"x 3½", no place, no date,

Item Date:  0
Stock No:  25387      £45

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[HAAKON VII (Prince Christian Charles, 1872-1957, 1st King of Norway on its independence from Sweden) & his wife Princess MAUD (Charlotte Mary Victoria, 1869-1938, Daughter of Edward VII, Queen of Norway)]

Fine unsigned stereoscope photo, showing the Queen on the walking out of their hotel followed by the King wearing naval uniform, 7" x 3½", Stenkjaer, Norway, no date,

Item Date:  0
Stock No:  29778      £75

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[HAESELER (Gottlieb, 1836-1919, from 1905 German Generalfeldmarshall, Graf von)

Unsigned portrait Postcard Photograph, by Emil Dietsch of Metz, showing him head and shoulders wearing an officer's cap and the Iron Cross, his rugged face to the camera, observant eyes to the right of the picture, 5½" x 3½", no place, no date, circa

Item Date:  1905
Stock No:  54775      £45

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