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LOUISE VICTORIA (Alexandra Dagmar, 1867-1931, Princess Royal, Duchess of Fife, Daughter of Edward VII)

Early Autograph Letter Signed to 'My dear Jonnie', hoping "you are ...enjoying yourself very much", sorry that "we did not say good buy to you, but they hurried us off so we had no chance even to see you. We have been for some very long walks with Mama and Apapa & Amama & Aunt Mini", Princess Alexandra's parents and sister Maria Feodorovna, wife of Alexander (III), "Eddie & Georgie bathe every day with Cousins we ... also ... when our colds are better. We went to lunch to the Queen Dowager", Wilhelmina, (1808-1891, Queen of Frederik VII), "the other day & ... played at some games with Cousins. Victoria & Harry", her sister Maud, "send their best love", as do "Walkley & Phillis ... Good bye ... I remain Your affect. friend Louise", followed by some pen whirls, 3 sides 16mo., Bernstorff Castle, near Copenhagen, 2nd September

Item Date:  1879
Stock No:  55218      £225

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LOUISE VICTORIA (Alexandra Dagmar, 1867-1931, Princess Royal, Duchess of Fife, Daughter of Edward VII)

Early Autograph Letter Signed to 'My dear Jonnie', hoping "you are ... enjoying yourself very much with your sister how is baby girl has she been doing some more of her little tricks. We have been for some very long walks with Uncle Sacha", the future Alexander III, "Aunt Minnie's baby girl" (Grand Duchess Xenia, 1875-1960) "and baby boy", (Grand Duke Georgy, 1871-1899), "... are always full of fun. With many kisses ... From your loving friend Louise", 3 sides 16mo., Bernstorff Castle, near Copenhagen, 13th September

Item Date:  1879
Stock No:  55219      £225

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LOUISE VICTORIA (Alexandra Dagmar, 1867-1931, Princess Royal, Duchess of Fife, Daughter of Edward VII)

Early Autograph Letter Signed to 'My dear Jonnie', hoping she is "better now we all miss you very much. The eggs Mama gave us on Easter Sunday are lovely & the little ones to[o] sweet", also that "your sister and Lala are both with you and that they amuse you. We are going out now with Mama ... From Your affecte. little friend Louise", 2 sides 8vo., Sandringham, 19th April

Item Date:  1881
Stock No:  55221      £175

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LOUISE VICTORIA (Alexandra Dagmar, 1867-1931, Princess Royal, Duchess of Fife, Daughter of Edward VII)

Early Autograph Letter Signed to 'My dear Jonnie', hoping "you are well & enjoying yourself very much, we are enjoying ourselves very much.. Mama hopes that you will write to her very soon ... to know how you are, she asked me this morning, & she sends her best love", as do "Victoria Harry [their sister Maud] Phillis & Walkley ... I have bought a few little things" including "something for you when I get home", besides enjoying "long walks here with Mama ... we went to Aunt A[u]gusta with Mama & Aunt Minni & Cousins in one of Uncle Sacha's yacht's", the future Alexander III's, "we had Luncheon there & we came back by train , because it was too rough ... with a great many kisses ... I remain your affect. friend Louise", 3 sides 8vo., Bernstorff Castle, near Copenhagen, 5th October

Item Date:  1879
Stock No:  55220      £225

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LOUISE VICTORIA (Alexandra Dagmar, 1867-1931, Princess Royal, Duchess of Fife, Daughter of Edward VII)

Early Autograph Letter Signed to 'My dearest Jonnie', saying she is "very sorry you are not here, we miss you when we go to Call and Mama misses you very much. There is a great deal of snow here. Victoria and Harry", her sister Maud, "send their best love to you ... I remain, Your affecte. friend Louise", 2 sides 8vo. black edged and conjugate blank, Sandringham, 23rd February

Item Date:  1879
Stock No:  55216      £175

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