Sophie Dupré - Royalty

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ANHALT (Leopold IV, 1794-1871, from 1817 Prince of Anhalt-Dessau, from 1863 Duke of)

Letter signed, in German with translation, to Louise, (1819-1864, Duchess-Regent of Parma, 1854-1859, for her son Roberto I), saying "It is with the feeling of the liveliest joy that I ... inform Your Royal Highness ... that my beloved Daughter-in-law, Hereditary Princess Antoinette of Anhalt", (1838-1908), "born Princess of Saxe-Altenburg, was at 4 o'clock this morning happily delivered of a healthy Prince, who will receive at Holy Baptism the names of Leopold Friedrich Carl Alexander", he has the "flattering hope that Your Royal Highness will not refuse to share wholeheartedly in so joyful an event for me and my Ducal House", 1 side folio and conjugate blank, Dessau, 19th August

Item Date:  1856
Stock No:  16484      £175

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ANNA PAVLOVNA (1795-1860, wife of Willem II of the Netherlands, youngest daughter of Tsar Paul I)

Autograph letter signed to 'Monsieur', in French with translation, saying "it is impossible to read the letter and enclosed piece that you have just sent me without feeling emotion. Sentiments so true and so nobly expressed do one good", and thanking him "for sharing them with me with such speed", crowned 'A', 1 side 8vo black-edged, B[erlin], 26th May (Western calendar), 14th May (Russian calendar)

Item Date:  1855
Stock No:  17783      £350

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ANNE (b. 1950, Princess Royal, daughter of Elizabeth II)

Autograph Letter signed to "Anne" thanking her for an invitation which she is accepts saying that "nearer the date I coulld get in touch about what time you would like me to appear and also how smart etc! I met Richard at the Sheffield-Pilkington wedding reception ... I would almost have said he was an Australian. I could do with some tips on one of two of their rather more obscure phrases ...", 2 sides 8vo., Buckingham Palace, 12th November no year

Item Date:  0
Stock No:  39357      £375

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ANNE (b. 1950, Princess Royal, daughter of Elizabeth II)

Autograph Letter signed to “Anne” thanking her for “inviting me last week - I’m only so sorry that you weren’t there and I do hope you are well and truly on the mend by now. One of your offspring did think you wee feeling better as he noted signed of bad temper creeping through - which could only be a good sign. Richard gave me one or two useful hints about what not to say in Australia which is always valuable! It was very kind of him to put up with me and I’ be very grateful if you could thank him for me and indeed Simon as well for the way they looked after me..” and sending her best wishes for Christmas and a “speedy recovery”, 2 sides 4to., Newhouse, Ashford, Kent, 21st December no year

Item Date:  0
Stock No:  39358      £375

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[ANNE (b. 1950, Princess Royal, daughter of Elizabeth II) & Capt Mark PHILLIPS (b. 1948, her ex-husband)]

Presentation piece of wedding cake in original printed box, presented to "Corporal of the Horse G. A. Smith" with their initials under a crown in silver with the place and date printed on the front of the cream box and the printed card inside, the cake is in its original packing inside. 4" x 3" and 1 inch high, Buckingham Palace, 14th November

Item Date:  1973
Stock No:  40882      £275

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