Sophie Dupré - Science

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CAMDEN (George Charles Pratt, 1799-1866, K.G., Archaeologist and President of the Camden Society, from 1842 2nd Marquess)

Autograph Letter in the third person to Dr George Phillips, 1804-1892, accepting for dinner on 9th June (after the conferring of honorary degrees), with autograph envelope front, 1 side 8vo., 16 Grosvenor Square, W., 4th June

Item Date:  1862
Stock No:  50054      £25

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CAPPER (Alfred Octavius, d. 1921, Experimenter in Thought Reading)

Group of 9 Autograph Letters Signed, to his Solicitor Mr. Pearce, about foregoing his reversionary interest in the late Mrs. E.D. Chick's estate, Capper's brother George is in difficulties, having borrowed £383 6s 8d in February 1901 from Capper and being in debt to their uncle G.Y. Mercer, "My uncle in his letter says 'I have very reluctantly agreed to the proposal made by Pearce for a settlement for I hate the idea of your having to bear in any way the consequences of George's misdeeds' " (20th May 1901), "After seeing you on Thursday I paid a special visit to Clacton-on-Sea" to his sister's but "her financial position" prevents her helping "over this deplorable matter" (1st June 1901), "Nothing will give me greater pleasure than to hear - that with your invaluable help that he will be able to come to terms with Driver & Co ... It may induce other friends to help, if I agree to waive my claim to £250 out of the £383 I have already advanced George" (12th June 1901), with a document for Capper to sign agreeing to the transfer of George's share to Mr Mercer and Mr. T.J. Wall (6th August 1901), in all 18 sides 8vo. and 1 side folio, The Sports Club St. James's Square, Princeton Vicarage Devonshire, Palace Hotel Grantown-on-Spey, Star Hotel Montrose, and Constitutional Club Windsor, 20th April - 23rd August and one undated,

Item Date:  1901
Stock No:  14789      £75

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CARPENTER (Willam Benjamin, 1813-1885, Physiologist and Naturalist, Professor of Forensic Medicine at University College, London )

Autograph letter signed to Sir John Bowring, 1792-1872, Linguist, Governor and Ambassador, saying he has seen "Lord Granville" (1815-1891, Colonial Secretary), "who has appointed Thursday next ... to receive the Gilchrist Trustees at the Colonial Office", saying that yesterday he "got a Telegraphic Message from Dr Hunter of Bombay" that his sister "is ill of Pneumonia" but "doing well", the message was "eight days in coming ... Grant Duff ... has kindly directed a Gov[ernmen]t message to be sent at once; and an answer will probably be recieved on Thursday", The Athenaeum, 3 sides 7" x 4½", 'Tuesday morning', dated by Sir John on blank fourth side 9th March

Item Date:  1869
Stock No:  53548      £75

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CARRUTHERS (William, 1830-1922, F.L.S., F.R.S., F.G.S., Keeper of the Botanical Department at the British Museum, President of the Linnaean Society 1886-1890 and of the Royal Microscopical Society 1900-1901)

Autograph Letter Signed to  Alfred William BENNETT , (1833-1902, Lecturer in Botany at Bedford College and St. Thomas' Hospital), telling him that "on referring to the date of Heer's paper I find it was not so early, as I thought ... so if you will say simply 'some time after' ... I wrote Wright that I was going to attribute the 'strong facts' to his patriotism - and to this he does not object", 2 sides 8vo., British Museum, 21st May slight crease at foot, trace of mounting at foot of conjugate blank verso

Item Date:  1872
Stock No:  13880      £35

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CARUEL (Teodoro, 1830-1898, Director of the Royal Botanical Institute, Florence, from 1880)

Autograph Letter Signed in English, to 'My dear Sir',  (Alfred William BENNETT , F.L.S., 1833-1902, lecturer in Botany at Bedford College and St Thomas' Hospital) saying he believes "you are on the staff of 'Nature' which I receive in return for my Giornale botanico", and asking for certain back numbers from 1881 which he has not received, "I have thought you might be so obliging as to look into the matter for me" as he had not had a reply from the editor, 2 sides 8vo., Botanical Museum, Royal Institute of Higher Studies, Florence, 8th February laid down, small defects at corners and tear in lower fold, all without loss

Item Date:  1882
Stock No:  13945      £25

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