Sophie Dupré - Science

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CRICHTON-BROWNE (Sir James, 1840-1938, Medical Historian, the first medical broadcaster)

Autograph Letter Signed to the Revd. (Sir) James Marchant, 1867-1956, saying he should be glad "to join the Commission to inquire into the Causes of the declining birth-rate", 3 sides 8vo., 45 Hans Place, S.W., 2nd February

Item Date:  1913
Stock No:  20167      £45

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CRITCHETT (Sir George Anderson, d. 1925, 1st Bart., Surgeon Oculist to King Edward VII)

Autograph Letter Signed to 'Dear Madam, saying he has "written to Dr. Barlow" and enclosing "my notes of your case", which he askes her to bring "when next you come to see me", 1 side 8vo, 21 Harley Street, Cavendish Square, W., 21st October light marks of stamp hinges on blank fourth side

Item Date:  1900
Stock No:  16964      £25

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CRITCHETT (George, 1817-1882, F.R.C.S., Surgeon to the Royal London Ophthalmic Hospital)

Signature from the end of a letter, referring on the verso to "the lotion to bathe the eyes occasionally", no place, no date, circa

Item Date:  1860
Stock No:  55903      £25

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CURREY (Frederick, 1819-1881, Mycologist, Translator and Barrister, F.L.S., F.R.S.)

Autograph Letter Signed to  Alfred William BENNETT , (1833-1902, Lecturer in Botany at Bedford College and St. Thomas' Hospital), saying "I have only a short paper on a new genus of Cucurbitaceae for the first meeting, and that paper will not be readable beyond its title, so that your communication on Vallisneria will be very acceptable", 1 side 8vo., 3 New Square, Lincoln's Inn, 15th October slightly creased at foot, trace of mounting on blank fourth side

Item Date:  1875
Stock No:  13889      £35

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CURTIS (John, 1791-1862, Entomologist and Illustrator)

Autograph Letter Signed to an unnamed correspondent saying that he was “exceedingly sorry that the specimens you took so much pains to bring me of the Impatiens died in less than an hour after you left them, so that I had no chance of drawing them. Having expressed my regret to my friend Chas Harris he very kindly drove me over to Guidford where we found some charming specimens of the Impatiens & I am happy to say that by taking them immediately to the Seahorse having taken the precaution to put my paintbox etc in my pocket, I succeeded in making a very satisfactory drawing of that beautiful Plant, which if it be not a native is most certainly naturalised at Shalford. In our way we found the Istis Tinctoria & as it is an uncommon plant I have enclosed a recent specimen thinking you might like to have it. As I shall not be able to leave town again this year I hope I may have the pleasure of seeing you here, when you have leisure & inclination on a Wednesday to look over my Collections. I left Lord Malmesbury & all my Farnboro’ friends well. The Parsonage House there is very pretty & pleasantly situated & I very much enjoyed my rambles on the wild moors & extensive heather that abound in that neighbourhood...”, 3 sides 8vo., “11 R.S.H.R.”, 17th September

Item Date:  1838
Stock No:  42783      £425

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