Sophie Dupré - Science

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HUXLEY (Thomas Henry, 1825-1895, Biologist)

Fine Autograph Letter Signed to Dr ALLCHIN (William Henry, 1846–1912, Physician and lecturer on comparative anatomy, physiology, pathology and medicine at Westminster Hospital) saying he is"sorry that it is not practicable for me to comply with your wish. My work begins at South Kensington on the 1st October and I shall have many things to attend to on that day. Moreover I am afraid that I take a different view from you about the desireableness [sic] of small schools - at least so far as the Institutes are concerned ...", 3 sides 8vo., 4 Marlborough Place, 25th July

Item Date:  1878
Stock No:  39172      £275

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HUXLEY (Sir Julian Sorrell, 1887-1975, Zoologist & Philosopher)

Autograph Letter Signed to Miss Henderson "venturing to send you a copy of my first book, of which I have just had some advance copies sent me (proud moment for a budding author!) ..." , he continues that he does not expect her to read it "but only that you accept it as the only thing I have at present to offer in return for all your kindness to me at West Park - a tangible memento. Also, i discovered on reaching Liverpool that my fountain pen was missing. It is of no particular consequence as it is both old & cheap, but if you should happen to see it lying about, I should be much obliged if you could send it to me here. It is a 'Blackbird' ..." with a postscript that he has also left his address book behind, 3 sides 8vo., 27 Westbourne Square, London, 16th September

Item Date:  1912
Stock No:  40098      £125

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HUXLEY (Sir Julian Sorrell, 1887-1975, Zoologist & Philosopher)

Fine signature on card 4” x 3”, no place, July

Item Date:  1930
Stock No:  42684      £35

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HUXLEY (Thomas Henry, 1825-1895, Biologist)

Fine Autograph Letter Signed to J. H. CHAMBERLAIN (John Henry, 1831-1883, Architect based in Birmingham) saying that “Far be it from me to forget the Birmingham & Midland Institute & the many kind receptions I have met with from its members - but I have had a warning to abstain from all work that can be avoided and I am sorry to say that I must give you the Popes answer ‘Non possumus’...”, 2 side 8vo., 26 Abbey Place, London, NW, 21st July, date not clear but

Item Date:  1875
Stock No:  42673      £250

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