Sophie Dupré - Science

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OWEN (Sir Richard, 1804-1892, anatomist and zoologist, creator of the Natural History Museum at South Kensington and inventor of the name 'Dinosaur')

Long Scientific Autograph Letter Signed to an unnamed correspondent telling him that he has "had the good fortune to find here, collected in one house - filling more than one room, the choicest prints of the research during many years for fossils from the Pill and Gravel beds of this part of Essex and the neighbouring coast. Among the Rhinoceros remains, a beautiful calvarium with part of the bony wall of the nose giving the character of Tichorrhine, Hippopotamus, Irish Elk so called, two good species of Bas, the small short-horned, also occurring in under-bog gravel in Ireland, and the gigantic Urus, one core is 20 inches circumference at the base: Goat, but , most abundantly the Mammoth. Teeth of all ages, some of them very singularly exemplifying the power of the crushing forces to which the Pill has been subject. One great strong molar ... split vertically, another is crushed and squeezed, so that all the plates are pounded together in a conglomerate with the bits of cracked enamel sticking out just like the glass fragments from the plaster on the top of a garden wall, so defended. Ichthyosaurus, Plesiosaurus with Gryphaea incurva & other ... fossils have also been gathered from the Pill at Walton, washed, somehow, out of ... neighbouring ... I suspect that some Rhinoceros-like teeth are of Acerotherium, but a comparison with Dr Kamp's figures when get home will determine this. The whole presents a strange picture of the Mammalian population of the antiglacial period. The singularly fractured state of both bones & teeth, without any water-wearing, clearly indicates the operation of solids in producing this effect ..." with a postscript that "A few marine shells are mixed with the fresh-water shells of the Pill ...", 4 sides 8vo., near Colchester, 14th October

Item Date:  1842
Stock No:  39777      £975

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PAGET (Sir George Edward, 1809-1892, Physician & Professor at Cambridge)

Autograph Letter Signed to "Dear Sir James" ALDERTON (1794-1882, Physician Extraordinary to the Queen, President of the Royal College of Physicians) saying that "yesterday I wrote to you as President of the College of Physicians to request the favour of the use of one of the College rooms for a meeting of the Medical Council on April 28. When I wrote I was not aware of the 28th being the day of the quarterly Comitia Majora Ordinaria. This of course renders it impossible for the College to spare its room. Will you therefore, if you please, consider my letter of yesterday withdrawn ...", 3 sides 8vo., Cambridge, 17thApril

Item Date:  1870
Stock No:  39201      £55

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PAGET (Sir George Edward, 1809-1892, Physician & Professor at Cambridge)

Autograph Letter Signed to 'Dear Sirs', Dr. ALLCHIN (William Henry, 1846–1912, Physician and lecturer on comparative anatomy, physiology, pathology and medicine at Westminster Hospital) and Dr GOODHART, (Sir James Frederic, 1845-1916, Physician at Guy's Hospital) begging "to excuse my absence from the meeting on Wednesday next, as I shall be on that day where I am now in Wales, too distant from London to undertake the journey ...", 2 sides 8vo., Conway, 1st April

Item Date:  1885
Stock No:  39199      £35

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PAGET (Sir George Edward, 1809-1892, Physician & Professor at Cambridge)

Autograph Letter Signed to Dr. ALLCHIN (William Henry, 1846–1912, Physician and lecturer on comparative anatomy, physiology, pathology and medicine at Westminster Hospital) thanking him for "the copy of your address on Functional Disease. I am reading it with much interest & pleasure ...", 2 sides 8vo., Cambridge, 8th January

Item Date:  1887
Stock No:  39197      £35

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PAGET (Sir George Edward, 1809-1892, Physician & Professor at Cambridge)

Autograph Letter Signed to Dr. ALLCHIN (William Henry, 1846–1912, Physician and lecturer on comparative anatomy, physiology, pathology and medicine at Westminster Hospital) saying he will "be happy to be a member of the Pitman Portrait Fund Committee if it be thought that I can be of any service ...", 1 side 8vo., Cambridge, 15th January

Item Date:  1885
Stock No:  39198      £35

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