Sophie Dupré - Science

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PASTEUR (Louis, 1822-1895, French chemist, developer of pasteurisation)

Fine Autograph Letter Signed “L. Pasteur”, in French with translation to Mister President acknowledging “receipt of the letter by which you and Mr. Vice-President of the Compagnie Générale Transatlantique kindly inform me that a sum of 3.780,20 francs has been subscribed by the Company to contribute to the creation of the “Pasteur Institute”. On behalf of the Patronage Committee of this establishment and myself, I send you the expression of all our gratitude. The total subscription today amounts, in round figures, to the sum of 2.500.000 francs. Please accept, Mr. President, the assurance of my highest consideration...” with an autograph postcript that ”The Crédit Foncier de France, which concentrates all subscriptions, will send you a receipt for the sum of 3780,20 francs...”, 1 side 8vo., Paris, 23rd May

Item Date:  1888
Stock No:  42214      £1500

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PAXTON (Sir Joseph, 1801-1865, Architect of the Crystal Palace, Landscape Gardener at Chatsworth)

Fine Autograph Letter Signed to an unnamed correspondent saying that he has received their letter “and I reply without a moment’s delay - unfortunately the postage betwixt here and Manchester is so badly arranged that it requires 2 days to pass a letter from here to you - I should have been happy to furnish you with all the particulars of the Chatsworth Fete but have sent them to the Derby Reporter and I have requested them to forward you a paper which you will most likely receive as soon as you get this...”, 3 sides 8vo., Chatsworth, 4th November

Item Date:  1857
Stock No:  41907      £275

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PENGELLY (William, 1812-1894, Geologist)

Autograph Letter Signed to Mr Slade, saying that his "order and cheque are duly to hand, and I havehis moment sent the necessary instructions to the ... Printers. You will, no doubt, receive the publications in a day or two ...", Torquay, 21st November

Item Date:  1885
Stock No:  39762      £75

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PLAYFAIR (Sir Lyon, 1st Baron, 1818-1898, Scientist, Lord-in-Waiting to Queen Victoria, took part in organising the Great Exhibition)

Fine Signature from the end of a letter, no place, dated on the verso in another hand

Item Date:  1879
Stock No:  56086      £10

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PLAYFAIR (Sir Lyon, 1st Baron, 1818-1898, Scientist, Lord-in-Waiting to Queen Victoria, took part in organising the Great Exhibition)

Autograph Letter Signed to 'My dear Professor', inviting him to come next day at 9 p.m., "to meet T.R.H. the Duke d'Aumale, & Prince Joinville & the young Princes, the Duke D'Alençon, Duc de Penthievre & the Prince Condé", 1 side 8vo., 14 Abercromby Place, Edinburgh, 2nd June

Item Date:  1859
Stock No:  51908      £85

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