Sophie Dupré - Travel and Exploration

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COBHAM (Sir Austen, 1863-1937, Foreign Secretary, Nobel Peace Prize Winner)

Coloured caricature from the John Players series of 50 entitled "Straight Line Caricatures", signed, with a small biography printed on the verso, 2¾" x 1¼", no place, circa

Item Date:  1926
Stock No:  41395      £75

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COBHAM (Sir Alan J., 1894-1973, Aviator)

Fine Typed Letter with autograph salutation and subscription, Signed “Alan Cobham” to Cyril Wood OBE thanking him for his “delightful letter, I am so sorry that I could not get in touch with you before... I had not a moment to spare before departing for my holiday in the South of France. I went to Monte Carlo and did nothing but lay on the beach, sunbathe, swim, eat and sleep - quite a relaxing time. Unfortunately I developed arthritis on the last two days of my holiday - luckily it has more of less departed. Regarding the Exhibition on the 1st September - I am afraid this is not going to be possible because tomorrow I fly north to Edinburgh to support the Orchestra on Saturday night and for two or three days next week. Afterwards I shall be motoring south, calling on old friends in Northumberland and Yorkshire, and will not be back in the office... so sorry that I shall miss the Exhibition...”, together with a carbon copy of Wood’s letter to Cobham, 1 side A4, Tarrant Rushton Airfield, nr Blandord, Dorset, 30th August

Item Date:  1963
Stock No:  42624      £125

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COBHAM (Sir Alan John, 1894-1973, Pioneer Aviator)

Typed Letter Signed with Autograph salutation and subscription to Cyril Wood OBE saying that he has “come across this little brochure - Swyre, how is it all going? Must try and make my way there sometime. Do tell me all about it at our next meeting...”, 1 side A4 Tarrant Rushton Airfield, nr Blandford, Dorset headed paper, 21st January 1964, together with a carbon copy of the reply with autograph address and signature, saying that he is pleased that he wants “to hear more about the new venture at Swyre. Things have developed very considerably since I sent you that brochure. Swyre has proved to be the pioneer of something very much bigger, and I hope to be able to tell you the result after an important meeting in London this Saturday. Having been a pioneer all your life, you will appreciate more than most people what it means to be first in the field with an important project. What I am doing will, I know, appeal to you very much. It will, however, be something more than can be told at the end of a Committee meeting while we are putting on our hats and coats. Perhaps you’ll have lunch with me the next time I’m in Bournemouth...”, 1 sid A4, no place, 23rd January

Item Date:  1964
Stock No:  42788      £100

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COBHAM (Sir Alan J., 1894-1973, Aviator)

Fine Autograph Letter Signed in full to Sir George ROBEY (1869-1954, Music Hall Comedian) telling. him that he has “received the cheque for £100 that you asked Mr Morgan to forward to me. I hardly know how to thank you for so great a kindness. After all that you had done, in entering the aeroplane for the Kings Cup, it was a kindness that I had never anticipated, & I thank you not only for the cheque, but your absolute true sportsmanship. I have just returned from Gothenburg in Sweden, where there has been a great International Flying exhibition & contests. I was successful in winning the traffic aeroplane contest, running between Gothenburg and Copenhagen for 5 days carrying the greatest load at teh fastest speed with the lowest fuel consumption. The prize was 15,000 crowns & a Gold Cup presented by the Crown Prince of Sweden. Incidentally, I took the Crown Prince’s two sons on their first flight accompanied by Sir Samuel Hoare & Admiral Mark Kerr. I did all this with the new type DH50 machine. In Sweden, in fact everywhere of late, I find that I am generally known to people as ‘Sir George Robey’s Pilot’ so I feel sure that the Kings Cup event ‘sunk in’. I hope it will not be the last time I shall be in your service...”, 2 sides 4to., 67a Golder’s Green Road, NW11 but on Stage Lane Aerodrome headed paper, 21st August

Item Date:  1923
Stock No:  41813      £325

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COBHAM (Sir Alan John, 1894-1973, Pioneer Aviator)

Large Signature in pencil on piece, n.d., c. light traces of gum on edges of recto, has been laid down

Item Date:  1925
Stock No:  16545      £25

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