Sophie Dupré - Travel and Exploration

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WADDINGTON (George, 1793-1869, Traveller & Church Historian)

Good signature from Autograph Letter Signed with subscription

Item Date:  0
Stock No:  8803      £10

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WOLFF (Joseph, 1795-1862, Missionary & Traveller)

Autograph Letter Signed to Miss Vernon saying that he has just noticed “that an envelope containing your address accompanied your request for an Autograph and as I observe that I have not directed your letter exactly I execute[?] a second autograph...”, 1 side 8vo., 44 Mission House, Wellclose Square, E. London, 22nd April

Item Date:  1861
Stock No:  42633      £375

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WRIGHT (Orville, 1871-1948, American Pioneer Aviator)

Typed Letter signed to Mr Casson, (Herbert Newton, 1869-1951, Canadian journalist and author who wrote primarily about technology and business)thanking him for his letter "recalling some of the earlier days of aviation. I remember quite well your article in the 'American Magazine', which must have appeared in 1907 or early in 1908. I remember too your calling at my home one evening a few years later, and also of hearing you speak before an audience in the Young Men's Christian Association hall ..." and thanking him for a copy of the 'Efficiency Magazine', 1 side 4to., Dayton, Ohio headed paper, 6th February

Item Date:  1925
Stock No:  38054      £2250

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