Sophie Dupré - Royalty

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CLARKE (Mary Anne, 1776-1852, Mistress of Frederick Duke of York, Actress)

Autograph Note signed, stating that "I hereby empower Mrs Wilbier to give my proxy vote in favour of Mrs Mary Ann Adlam for the National Benevolent Institution ...", 1 side 8vo., 10 Saville Row, Wednesday 20th June no year

Item Date:  0
Stock No:  41463      £225

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[CLOTILDE (1843-1911, elder daughter of Vittorio Emanuele II, wife, 1859, of Prince NAPOLÉON, 1822-1891, 'Plon-Plon', son of King Jérôme Napoléon of Westphalia and from 1879 head of the Imperial House)]

Splendid Presentation Portrait on her Wedding (Turin, 13th January 1859) by the Girl Boarding Scholars ('Convittrice') of the Royal Beneficent Institute of Turin ('Regia Opera della Provvidenza di Torino'), a watercolour showing her seated nearly full length, three quarter face, in a blue evening dress and tiara, the jewellery at her neck and on her forearms reflecting the renaissance revival then current, restrained but glowing, she sits on an ermine mantle, and by her is the Royal Crown of Savoy, done in stump work by the girls, the back of her chair is also in raised material, 8" x 6½" in a velvet frame 12½" x 10½", itself ornamented in blind, in the original hinged box with presentation inscriptions in gold, dated 30th January 1859, edged with gold and blind roll-tools and with silk ribbon attachments, 11¼" x 13¼", with the original letter from the Principal to the Princess in Paris, in Italian with transcription and translation, recalling the Princess's visit the previous summer, so that on hearing of the wedding the girls begged her, through her lady-in-waiting, to accept something of their work, while there was not time to complete it it is now offered for the Princess's birthday (2nd March 1859), 3 sides folio with envelope bearing the Regia Opera's seal, Turin, 27th February 1859, the portrait and box dated 30th January lacks original back support but retains ring at top for hanging, back of frame rubbed in a few places touching three letters of inscription, but generally in excellent condition
Regia Opera della Provvidenza di Torino. Torino, addi 27 Febbrajo 1859
A[ltezza] I[mperiale] R[eale]
La graziosa visita, colla quale l'A[ltezza] V[ostra] I[mperiale] e R[eale] piacevasi di onorare nella scorsa estate codesto R[eale] Istituto, ha rapito i cuori di tutte le Convittrice, e v'imprimeva i più delicati sentimenti di profonda devozione, e di riconoscenza affettuosa. Quindi è che appena giunse a loro notizia lo stabilito Imeneo della R[eale] A[ltezza] V[ostra] coll' I[mperiale] R[eale] Principe Napoleone, tutte bramavano di potere in tale fausta circostanza tributare l'omaggio del loro intimo affetto coll' offerta d'un qualche lavorio.
Mercè le squisita degnazione dell' I[mperiale] R[eale] A[ltezza] V[ostra] il concepito disegno potè mettersi tosto in opera, poichè cedendo [Side 2] alla mia preghiera, si compiaceva farmi significare da S[ua] E[ccellenza] la Sig[nora] Contessa Di Villamarina che non Le sarebbe tornato discaro
Ma le benaugurate nozze precorsero di troppo il supposto evento, epperciò non fu possibile portarlo a la finale esecuzione per quel giorno di gaudio comune.
L'anzidetto lavoro è ora compiuto, ed è opportunamente compiuto per essere offerto in altra circostanza non meno solenne, quella cioè del compleanno dell' I[mperiale] R[eale] A[ltezza] V[ostra].
Il suo pregio non è riposto che in quello grandissimo dell' Eccelsa Persona che si volle effigiare, la cui preziosa e cara memoria [Side 3] c'invita alle più elette virtù, ed è inoltre riposto nell' essere accettato della somma bontà dell' I[mperiale] R[eale] A[ltezza] V[ostra] a cui viene umilmente dedicato.
La magnanima clemenza dell' I[mperiale] R[eale] A[ltezza] V[ostra] ci conforta a sperarne un benigno gradimento siccome tenue, ma sincera espressione di profondo omaggio, e d'illimitata devozione, specialmente di chi ha l'onore di professarsi
Dell' I[mperiale] R[eale] A[ltezza] V[ostra]
Umil[issi]mo, Dev[otissi]mo, ed Oss[ervantissi]mo Servo
Ad. Luigi Guglielmo Di Ceva Sucetto
Royal Work of Providence of Turin
Turin, 27th February 1859.
The gracious visit, with which Your Imperial and Royal Highness deigned to honour this Royal Institute last summer, captured the hearts of all the Boarders, and imprinted the most delicate feelings of deep devotion and affectionate gratitude. So no sooner had the projected Marriage of Your Imperial and Royal Highness with the Imperial and Royal Prince Napoleon reached their ears than they all yearned on this most auspicious occasion to offer their homage of inmost affection with a piece of work of some kind.
Thanks to the exquisite condescension of Your Imperial and Royal Highness the intended plan was put in hand straight away, since in yielding to my request, Her Excellence the Countess of Villamarina was pleased to inform me that it would not be displeasing to You.
But the auspicious Wedding took place too soon before the intended outcome, and so it was not possible to bring it to final execution for the day of common rejoicing.
The piece of work mentioned is now completed, and opportunely completed to be offered on a no less solemn occasion, namely Your Imperial and Royal Highness's birthday.[2nd March].
Its worth lies only in the great fact of the Exalted Person's willingness to be portrayed, whose precious and dear memory invites us to practice all the choicest virtues, and, moreover, in having been accepted with the greatest kindness by Your Imperial and Royal Highness, to whom it is most humbly dedicated.
The magnanimous clemency of Your Imperial and Royal Highness, encourages us to hope that it will be received with favour and satisfaction, along with the slender but sincere expression of deep homage and unlimited devotion, especially of him who has the honour to profess himself
Your Imperial and Royal Highness's
Most Humble, Devoted and Obedient Servant
Ad. Luigi Gugliemo Di Ceva Sucetto

Item Date:  1859
Stock No:  55773      £1250

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[CLOTILDE (1843-1911, daughter of Victor Emmanuel II of Italy, married Prince Napoléon, head of the Imperial House of France, but wanted to be a Nun)

Charming unsigned carte de visite photo by Disderi, showing her three quarter length in slight profile wearing a white striped dress, 4¼" x 2½", no place, no date

Item Date:  0
Stock No:  30434      £95

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[CLOTILDE (1843-1911, daughter of Victor Emmanuel II of Italy, married Prince Napoléon, head of the Imperial House of France, but wanted to be a Nun)

Unsigned carte de visite photo by Disderi, showing her full length, 4¼" x 2½", no place, no date

Item Date:  0
Stock No:  23203      £95

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[CLOTILDE (1843-1911, daughter of Victor Emmanuel II of Italy, married Prince Napoléon, head of the Imperial House of France, but wanted to be a Nun)

Unsigned carte de visite photo by Disderi, showing her three quarter length in slight profile wearing a white striped dress, 4¼" x 2½", no place, no date

Item Date:  0
Stock No:  29714      £95

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