(Giovanni M. Mastai-Ferretti, 1792-1878, Pope from 1846 who proclaimed the Dogma of the Immaculate Conception and whose Vatican Council formulated the Dogma of Papal Infallibility)]
Dispensation Document 'under the Ring of the Fisherman' addressed to J. SERNICOLI, Vicar General in Spiritual Matters of Nicola CAPUTO,
(1774-1862, from 1818 Bishop of Lecce), headed PIUS.PP.IX and signed by the appropriate officials, in Latin with transcription and translation, in a small but clear hand, explaining that the Pope has received a petition from Nicola Serinelli, layman, and Vita Antonia Miglietta, of the Diocese of Lecce, who, knowing that they are related in the First and Second Degrees of Affinity, in that Nicola's first wife, now deceased, was Vita Antonia's aunt (or just possibly niece or granddaughter), need the Pope's permission to marry. Owing to lack of means, Nicola cannot come in person to the Roman Curia, both of them existing only by their own labour and industry. Although they have not had carnal knowledge, suspicion has already arisen, and unless they get married Vita Antonia will remain gravely defamed and scandal will arise. Sernicoli is to get independent information about them, to examine them, separately and then together, about the truth of all their statements, and to make sure the proposed marriage is not because Vita Antonia has suffered rape. Dispensation depends first on absolution with penance, in order to remove ecclesiastical or civil censure or proceedings. The Pope lays the fitness of this on Sernicoli's judgment and conscience. If Sernicoli is satisfied, he can convey the Pope's Dispensation, they can marry in Church using the Tridentine rite, and Sernicoli will declare any offspring legitimate. If however Sernicoli asks for any fee for this process, or accepts one if offered, he will himself be excommunicated. Red circular stamp of St Peter in a fishing boat, vellum, 1 side 11¾" x 17¼" with address on verso, Rome, 15th March
(Transcription) 1 Dilecte Fili Salutem et Apostolicam Benedictionem. Oblata nobis nuper pro parte Dilectorum Filiorum Nicolai Serinelli, Laici, et Vite Antonie Miglietta, Mulieris, 2 Lyciensis Diocesis, Petitio continebat quod Ipsis alias, scientibus se Primo et Secundo et ex eo proveniens, quia alias dictus Nicolaus prefate Vite Antonie amitam seu 3 materteram aut neptem ad presens defunctam in uxorem duxit, affinitatis gradibus invicem attinere, non quidem peccandi data opera, ut crimine admisso hec causa foret: 4 Nos et Sedem Apostolicam ad misericordiam et gratiam erga Ipsos faciliores reddendi insimul Conversati sunt. Carnali tamen copula inter Eos minime subsequta, et nihilominus 5 orta est suspicio, licet falsa, quod se carnaliter cognoverint. Cum autem, sicut eadem Petitio subjungebat, nisi matrimonium inter dictos Exponentes contrahatur, dicta 6 Vita Antonia graviter diffamata et innupta remaneret, graviaque exinde scandala orirentur, Cupiunt Exponentes prefati invicem matrimonialiter copulari, sed stantibus impedimentis 7 hujusmodi desiderium eorum hac in parte adimplere non possunt, absque Sedis Apostolice Dispensatione. Ideo nobis humillime supplicari fecerunt Exponentes prefati ut Eis in premissis de absolutionis 8 beneficio et opportune Dispensationis gratia providere de benignitate Apostolica dignaremur. Nos igitur, qui salutem querimus cunctorum et scandalis, quantum cum Domino possumus, 9 libenter obviamus, Ipsosque Exponentes, attentis causis nobis notis, specialis gratie favore prosequi volentes, nec non locum quemlibet a quibusvis Excommunicationis et Interdicti aliisque 10 Ecclesiasticis sententiis censuris et penis, a jure aut ab homine quavis occasione vel causa latis, si quibus quomodolibet innodati existunt, ad effectum presentium tantum consequendum harum serie absolventes, et 11 absolutos fore censentes: certam tamen de premissis notitiam non habentes hujusmodi supplicationibus, inclinati Discretioni Tua de qua plenam in Domino fiduciam habemus, per presentes 12 comittimus et mandamus: quatenus deposita per Te omni Spe cujuscumque muneris aut premii, etiam sponte oblati, a quo Te omnino abstinere debere monemus, nec non omni 13 affectione et alia quavis humana passione, de premissis omnibus et singulis illorumque circumstantiis, Te diligenter informes: et si per informationem exactam a personis fide 14 dignis rite ac recte examinatis canonice habitam, easdem preces veritate realiter ac omni mendacii et fraudis suspicione prorsus remota niti compereris, super quo Tua 15 conscientia graviter onerata remaneat, Nicolaum, qui, attentis causis Nobis notis, ad Romanam Curiam, pro Dispensatione hujusmodi obtinenda, personaliter accedere nequit, ac 16 Vitam Antoniam, Exponentes prefatos, qui, ut asserunt, pauperes et miserabiles existunt, ac ex suis labore et industria tantum vivunt, in primis ab invicem separes: deinde si veniam a 17 Te petierint humiliter, imposita Eis pro modo culpe gravi penitentia salutari, prout justa prudens Tuum arbitrium magis in Domino expedire judicaris, et recepto prius ab Eis 18 juramento quod, sub spe facilius habende Dispensationis hujusmodi, premissa non comiserint, quodque talia nunquam deinceps comittent, neque comittentibus prestabunt auxilium, consilium, vel 19 favorem, Ipsos ab excessibus hujusmodi in utroque foro, imposita etiam Eis propter premissa arbitrio Tuo gravi penitentia, Salutari Auctoritate Nostra, hac vice dumtaxat, absolvas in forma 20 Ecclesie consueta. Demum si Tibi expediens videbitur quod Dispensatio hujusmodi sit Eis concedenda, neque scandalum sit ex ea oriturum, super quo conscientiam Tuam etiam 21 oneramus, ac cum eisdem Exponentibus, ut postquam in separatione prefata arbitrio Tuo perseveraverint, et dummodo dicta Vita Antonia propter hoc rapta non 22 fuerit, Ipsique pauperes et miserabiles existant ac ex suis laboribus et industria tantum vivant, ut propter quod, Impedimentis Primi et Secundi ex premissis 23 provenientium Affinitatis graduum hujusmodi ac constitutionibus et ordinationibus Apostolicis, ceterisque contrariis quibuscumque non obstantibus, matrimonium inter se publice 24 servata forma Concilii Tridentini contrahere illudque in facie Ecclesie solemnizare, ac in eo postmodum remanere libere et licite valeant, Auctoritate 25 Nostra prefata dispenses, prolem suscipiendam exinde legittimam nunciando. Volumus autem quod si Tu spreta monitione Nostra hujusmodi, aliquid 26 muneris aut premii occasione absolutionis et Dispensationis prefatarum, exigere aut oblatum recipere presumpseris, Excommunicationis Sententia tamdiu innodatus existas, 27 donec ex Sede prefata absolutionis beneficium per satisfactionem condignam merueris obtinere, et nihilominus absolutio et Dispensatio a Te faciende prefate nullius sint roboris 28 vel momenti. Datum Rome de speciali mandato nostro sub annulo Piscatoris Die XV: Martii MDCCCL Pontificatus Nostri Anno Quarto
Expensae, 4. 90 Expeditio, 3. 50 Agentia, 3. 50 Sunt Scutata Undecim, et Oboli 90 [...] [Signed] Petrus Alessandri Officialis Deputatus
Pro Magistro Brevium A. Willaume Officialis Deputatus [Signed] Joseph Lorri per obitum
[Signed] [... ... ... ...]
[Address Panels] J. Sernicoli, Dilecto Filio Vicario Venerabilis Fratris Episcopi Lyciensis in Spiritualis Generali
(Translation) 1 Beloved Son, Greeting and Apostolic Blessing. The Petition recently put before us on behalf of Our Beloved Son and Daughter Nicola Serinelli, layman, and Vita Antonia Miglietta, Woman, 2 of the Diocese of Lecce, states that they, knowing that they were related in the First and Second Degree of Affinity, in that the said Nicola had married either the father's sister, 3 mother's sister, niece or granddaughter, now deceased, of the said Vita Antonia, not indeed having taken steps that would make this a cause of sin by guilt admitted. 4 Together they have approached Us and the Apostolic See for the more easily granting them compassion and favour. Yet while intercourse between them has not taken place, nevertheless 5 there has arisen a suspicion, albeit false, that they have had carnal knowledge, and since moreover, as the same Petition adds, unless marriage were to be contracted between the said Deponents, the said 6 Vita Antonia would remain gravely defamed and unmarried and great scandal would arise therefrom, the said Deponents desire to be joined together in matrimony, but by being so prevented 7 they cannot fulfil their desire in this respect without the Dispensation of the Apostolic See. Therefore the said Deponents have most humbly beseeched us to deign in the said matter 8 to provide the benefit of absolution and the grace of an appropriate Dispensation out of Our Apostolic good will. We therefore who desire the salvation of all and willingly remove them from scandal as far as We can with the Lord's help, 9 and having considered the reasons notified to us, and wishing to attend the Deponents with the favour of Our special grace, leaving no room from any source for excommunication or interdict or other 10 ecclesiastical sentences, censures or penalties, applied by law or man from whatever occasion or cause, should they be involved in them in any way, We absolve the said Deponents, in respect of these presents only or in consequence of the same, and 11 deem they shall be absolved. Since however We do not have assured information about the foregoing supplications, but relying on Your discretion, in which We have full trust in the Lord, by these presents 12 We commit and entrust them to You, in so far as You put aside all hope whatever of recompense or reward, even if offered spontaneously, from which We warn You to abstain altogether, and likewise all 13 affection and other human passion whatever. You are diligently to acquaint yourself about the foregoing and all and singular their circumstances: and if You find You can rely on the statements in their request, 14 by exact information obtained canonically from persons worthy of trust, duly and correctly examined in truth and reality, all suspicion of lying or deceit being thoroughly removed, of which Your 15 conscience is to bear the heavy burden, You are first of all to take separately Nicola, who, in view of the reasons notified to Us, cannot come in person to the Roman Curia to obtain this Dispensation, and 16 Vita Antonia, the said Deponents, who, as they assert, are poor and wretched, living only on their own labour and industry. Then, if they have humbly sought pardon from 17 You, You are to impose a weighty and salutary penance on them, in proportion to their fault, as You think just to apply in Your own prudent judgment, or rather in the Lord, and having first taken their 18 oath, that, in hope of more easily receiving this Dispensation, they have not committed the foregoing, that they never will commit such, nor give aid, advice or 19 favour to those who commit them, You are to absolve them from all consequences in either [an ecclesiastical or civil] court, imposing a weighty penance on them on account of the foregoing according to Your judgment, by Our Salutary Authority, for this time only, in the form 20 used by the Church. Finally, if it seems expedient to You that this Dispensation be granted to them, and that no scandal will arise therefrom, which We also lay on Your conscience, 21 and that in Your judgment they have maintained the same account that they did separately, and provided the said Vita Antonia was not raped to this end, 22 that they exist poor and wretched and live only by their own labour and industry, then in order that, notwithstanding the Impediments of the First and Second kind arising from the foregoing 23 degrees of Affinity and Apostolic constitutions and ordinances, and all other things whatsoever to the contrary, they may validly be free to contract matrimony publicly between them, 24 keeping to the form of the Council of Trent, and to solemnize it in the face of the Church, and therein to remain freely and lawfully, 25 You are to grant them Dispensation by Our said Authority, at the same time proclaiming offspring arising therefrom legitimate. It is Our will also that, if You should spurn Our warning, 26 and presume to exact, or accept if offered, any recompense or reward on the occasion of the said absolution or Dispensation, You are to remain under Sentence of Excommunication, 27 until You earn the benefit of absolution from the said See through condign punishment, and, nevertheless, the said absolution and Dispensation to be performed by You are to be of none effect 28 or moment. Given at Rome by Our special mandate under the Ring of the Fisherman, the 15th Day of March 1850, and of Our Pontificate the Fourth Year.
Costs, 4. 90 Dispatch, 3. 50 Administration, 3. 50 Total 11 scudi romani, 90 baiocci. [Signed] Pietro Alessandri, Deputed Official For the Master of Briefs A. Willaume, Deputed Official [Signed] Joseph Lorri (owing to latter's death) [Signed] [... ... ... ...]
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