Sophie Dupré - Science

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GALTON (Sir Francis, 1822-1911, Explorer, Founder of the school of 'eugenics)

Autograph Letter Signed to "My dear Trotter" saying that "After all, I find it would be scarcely possible for me to avail myself of your very kind invitation to the Photo Soc. Dinner. So I will please, decline it with many thanks. It is always so pleasant after a long interval to see Cambridge again, as I did the other day ...", 1 side 8vo., 42 Rutland Gate, SW, 21st November

Item Date:  1879
Stock No:  40798      £225

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GATTINGER (Augustin, M.D., 1825-1903, Author of 'The Flora of Tennessee', 1901)

Autograph Letter Signed to  Robert Morton MIDDLETON , jr., F.L.S., F.Z.S., (1846-1909, English shipbroker and botanist), assuring him that "it would be the fulfillment of a long cherished wish to make again a ramble on the tops and slopes of your mountains, and in the swamps at their feet", and much as he would like "to make the acquaintance of your esteemed lady and family ... I ... am pledged to some professional obligations. Please think about the Ilex", I. ambigua Chapmanii, which Gattinger hoped Middleton would collect for him, 2 sides 8vo., Nashville, Tennessee, 7th June

Item Date:  1889
Stock No:  13914      £75

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GATTINGER (Augustin, M.D., 1825-1903, Author of 'The Flora of Tennessee', 1901)

Autograph Letter Signed to  Robert Morton MIDDLETON , jr., F.L.S., F.Z.S., (1846-1909, English shipbroker and botanist), saying he is "always happy to hear from you ... Your Scutellaria is surely serrata stands very close bicolor but can't quite come it", with a list of plants to look out for, "I hope you will enrich the flora of Tennessee by a lot good finds this season", 1 side 8vo., Nashville, Tennessee, 30th May

Item Date:  1892
Stock No:  13916      £75

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GIFFEN (Sir Robert, 1837-1910, F.R.S., Controller-General of Commercial & Statistical Departments, Board of Trade)

Autograph Note Signed to (Sir) George Shee, 1869-1939, writer on conscription, pointing out that "there were no figures of imports a hundred years ago comparable with those of the present time ... In a book like Mr Shee's a slip like this would not matter" but in case there were others, Giffen would have to "revise the whole book" if he were to write a preface, 2 sides 8vo., 40 Brunswick Road, Hove, no date, c.

Item Date:  1900
Stock No:  19260      £15

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GILIOLI (Joseph, 1813-1867, Italian orthodox Physician who practised in Britain, and converted to Homeopathy

Autograph Letter Signed to 'My dear Madam', sending her "12 Powders of Bryon for your dear baby", with directions, "then less & less frequently as the febrile symptoms viz. heat, frequency of pulse, flushing of face, thirst & hurried respiration give way", with some "Nux v[omica] solution" for herself, 1 side 16mo., 46 Great Marlborough Street, London, 15th July 1846, together with a letter from his fellow homeopath Joseph BELLNOMINI, to "Madam" thanking her for introducing him to her husband and saying that he hears "with satisfaction the powders I gave him had a favourable effect, and I hope those I here enclose will relieve his pain again. The first to be taken is Dulcamara, which should be allowed to act undisturbed for 24 hours, the second, Mercury, may be taken afterwards, if Dulcamara has not removed the pains entirely, and in case Mercury also should not thoroughly succeed you may give him Pulsat. Of course exposure to bad weather and especially to wind must be carefully avoided. I suppose the sleeplessness is owing in great measure to the pain ..." recommending other treatment for that, 2 sides 8vo., 46 Great Marlborough Street, 31st December no year, the first letter

Item Date:  1846
Stock No:  51213      £575

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